BH double-shotted still bugged when hosting vs not bugged as client

Im remaking this thread because the necromancer class patch and another patch have been released and theres still no fix after nearly 2 years…

Double-shotted talent is still not working when hosting and playing BH. If you are using the double-shotted talent its not possible to get both cooldown procs for landing headshots with the ult anymore unless its a boss, chaos warrior or enemies are lined up but if you are playing as a client it works normally.

My last thread about it back in july 2023: BH double-shotted bugged when hosting vs not bugged as client

This thread is from dec 2021 which is nearly 2 years ago: Bounty hunter ult talent “double shotted” headshot behaviour discrepancy on host vs client

Why not just use the code from Steam Workshop::BH Host Ult Refund Fix and fix it already?

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