Better ironsight for the Helbores

Fatshark please, need better Helbore ironsights.
since Helbore is kinda like a semi-auto sniper, the ironsights need to improving. I want to use the Helbore but damn the ironsights on the thing is horrid using it on a far away target. the ironsight on the autoguns are far better.

Fatshark, I’m not sayin’ put a scope on the Helbore, just have it like the Headhunter Autoguns.


gud luck buddy, the community hv been asking for it since the game release.

There’s a mod you can install that lets you swap out the sights for any of the other sights.

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Hahaha… Its free to dream. might as well keep trying.

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can you link me? I’m looking at Nexus Mods and I can’t seem to find it.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that it’s not on Nexus. For some reason the creator only has it in the Darktide modding discord, whoops. I’d invite you but invites are disabled. I think I got the invite from jsat’s video about modding back when mods were first getting made? idk sorry bud

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Fatshark loves crappy ironsights and hates crosshairs with the white-hot passion of a thousand suns.

I’m telling you, someone over there got domed one too many times in COD and now we all have to suffer for it.

Anyway, as others have said, use mods. If you can’t get the one that lets you change out ironsights, get crosshair remap on Nexus so at least you can have a crosshair and then try your best to ignore the god awful ironsights on the Helbore.

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all good man, thanks anyway.

LOL good call, I’ll look into it. thank you!

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You can also turn on centre dot in the settings, and it makes it like the sights have the flurescent bit.


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