Beastmen spawn behind you from nowhere and their range is crazy

I don’t even notice when they attack

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Ye, Beastmen should be fixed and reworked.


Skaven spawn behind players to stab them in the back - :slightly_smiling_face:
Rotbloods spawn behind players to stab them in the back - :slightly_smiling_face:
Beastmen spawn behind players to stab them in the back - :rage:

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Any enemy spawns on your back already attacking, not only beastmen,
skaven and chaos too, they spawn silently with the weapon on the air ready to hit you and they hit you

That ain’t tru , I play almost everyday and I know what I’m talking bout

If you think this is a unique thing with the Beastmen, then you clearly don’t know what you’re talking about. Take a few minutes, use the search function and you will find that both Skaven and Chaos do the exact same thing.

I’d Rather fight a whole army of Chaos Warriors or Stormvermin then the Broken Beastmen