Barrels sending players flying is not fun

Exploding barrels are fun until teammates decide to explode the horde and launch you off the map in the process. ^^

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I wouldnā€™t mind the bump if it was done closer to the ground, so a rambarde would be enougth to prevent you from dying off a cliff.

Je bump can be fun, loosing two player on a barrel set off by a random or the extermity of a blast is frustrating. Especially as the ogryn that should barely be knocked down by it.

Truly the most novel feature in all of Darktide.


As many times as they have lead to a TPK for me, please donā€™t change them. I like that little bit of ā€œoh damn it!!ā€ that comes when I realize I might have gotten a little too zealous with swinging the chain sword and hit a tank of highly flammable compressed gas. Plus its kind of fun watching a few rifleman pop up after someone plunks the barrel next to them.

Oh and a note. Its not always players or bots that trigger them. I had one incidence were the group got really cocky. Then one of the gunners tagged the barrel next to us and we didnā€™t notice until just before it got all of us. Two blown off, one knocked down, and when the last guy ran in to revive the horde beat him down.

Yeah, four level 30s on Sedition and we got schooled by a dreg with a rifle.

Yes they are fun.


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Yeah, barrels are a pet peeve of mine. They were actually pretty good in VT2. They would kill enemies, could be moved and thrown, and they were not as common but placed more effectively.

They are pretty bad in Darktide. They are literally all over the place and they are often hard to avoid meleeing. Canā€™t be moved or thrown. Donā€™t do enough damage to kill even basic enemies. Break allies toughness. Hell, sometimes they will kill an ally outright by throwing them off the edge.

While fine as a concept, the issue for me is that they are way too numerous leading to ā€œgod damn itā€ moments in melee and that they seem to be far more of a hindrance to players than enemies. If it was more equal thatā€™d be fine, but its a huge threat to players while enemies are unaffected.

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Losing to a barrel wipe is genuinely the most hilarious and fair thing in Darktide. Iā€™d rather be blown off the edge by either my or a teammates complete stupidity than have enemies phase through walls behind me and two-shot me from my flank which had a literal complete wall bereft of doors or rafters behind it.


Yes! Thank you! Great point! The damage is lackluster! There have been multiple situations where I lured a wave by a barrel only to regret the limited dodge space (in case of fire) or the scattering of mobs (in case of explosive).

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This I agree on! The barrels needs to do way more damage to the enemies. Especially since you canā€™t pick them up and throw them like you could in VT2.

The damage and knockback they do to players is perfect imo

Yeah same here man. Iā€™m usually playing with 3 irl mates. When one is missing and filled in by a rando, we try to leave them alone with the barrels. But when they see us flying eachother around they soon join in on the fun!

That said, none of us played DT at all this weekā€¦


Iā€™d love if some enemies, maybe not all of them because itā€™s like 100000 ranged against 4 poor idiots, but if some of them, maybe snipers and something else, could aim at barrels if they see 2+ players close to one.

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Perhapsā€¦but it is funny.

Completely disagree.

Pretty sure at least some of them do. Or maybe its just a case of a lucky miss.

Yeah itā€™s all fun and games until you lose a run because of a barrel. I donā€™t think an explosive barrel should knock you back further than a god damn Plague Ogryn

Seems like only people that prefer to troll their teammates can call it ā€œhilariousā€ and ā€œfunā€.