At this point, make the cosmetic shop rotate every week

I mean, at least that would create conversations around the game.


And I would finally see the Armageddon Steel legion coat back


It needs an overhaul like crafting but probably moreso.

Don’t have the same item on multiple pages. If you need to have a recolor of an item put it on the bundle option so it doesn’t eat up a slot. Add slots for out of rotation upper/lower bodies so people who missed a set that appeared once (Black Medusa on Psyker…) can acquire the single set piece they wanted from it. There should always be miscellaneous items and more of them, too. There’s a Cadian themed voxcaster, a Scion backpack, a giant tome malleus and a skull backpack. Make one for Ogryn too.


Or they could just… Remove the fomo aspect of it… And implement one that is like vermintide’s…


Woah woah calm down there cowboy, they’re barely recovering from the weekend.


They need the FOMO to hock clown garbage. If you could see good cosmetics nobody would buy garbage. And those guys worked really hard on these sets c’mon.


Woah don’t rush them
They still struggling to type out a few lines to even tell the community what’s even happening with their live service this year.


woah there buddy… “ALMOST live service”


Life support service*

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Fatshark doing actual work and making decisions that would put what is good for the playerbase in focus?


That was a good joke.

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Yeah, I get it. The goal is psychological, artificial scarcity to drive purchases.

I just want fat shark to be better because I don’t like that predatory behavior.

In vermintide 2 I bought stuff just because I was pleased with them as a company and wanted to support them. I have sat out on a lot of cosmetics because of the shop being so fomo and their refusal to officially support for the drip. If tomorrow they told me they were going to officially implement for the drip I would feel much more inclined to buy things that don’t match, but as it stands now they are sabotaging their own sales.

Self sabotage
The fatshark special

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