Cosmetic Store

Please, rotate the store every week instead of every other week or just have all of them for sell… it sucks never seeing all the cosmetics available in the game and it takes forever for them to rotate back around if they ever do.

Really want to see more weapons


Sorry rotating the same recolours and reskins we’ve already had is a two week job

Honestly with the amount of rereleases and full price reskins we’ve had I’m surprised Fatshark haven’t made the store rotate faster as it means they have more to sell more often and faster fomo. So I’m surprised they haven’t gone with the more here with their anti consumer shop when they very easily could especially since it’s an easy win win for them.

Idk probably just an another instance of people in charge of fatshark being detached from reality and lazy.


we do really need a better system that isn’t a rotating door.
make it a full gallery, add a search function, some tags.
Keep a page for the newest stuff and occasionally have a sale of older items to keep people coming back.

The current system is just a FOMO issue that needs to be addressed.



No seriously I will keep accumulating these until it stops being so…managerial.

They won’t ever re-release stuff, though. If they did, people might notice how the bundles got parceled out for an effective doubling of prices and how skin bundles vanished.


I believe you have 3 player types. I’m going to generalise here, at the risk of just simplifying things:

1: I’m not ever going to buy.
I’m in this camp. You could do whatever you like, but I’m not going to pay £10 for a colour mash on the character I play as but can never see. It adds nothing to my game.

2: I might be tempted
How big is this audience? I suspect if they’ve not yet entered pot 1 or 3 by now, they ain’t going to. But this is a pot of potential. They’ve seen something once they liked, but it’s rotated out of the shop.

3: Yes I’ll buy… the right thing
I don’t mind chucking the occasional £10 towards the shop because I’m a WH40k enthusiast. I might buy multiple items if I can 'cos I like to have a few options across my avatars.

I just can’t see in the above any scenario where the shop hiding items for over a year is a payout option for FS. Sell them, or don’t!


It’s actually manual labour:


Better still just make it an open catalogue of all the released skins and do away with this faux-FOMO carousel of re-releases.

They could still mess with us with time limited sales or wherever hard sell chicanery they can devise but they could just stop messing us about when we come to them wanting to give them our money.


this. there are as few things i’ve seen last 1 year ago and i’d buy them if they were available. this rotating nonsense is annoying as hell.

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The rotation honestly loses them sales. For example, I’m sitting here ready to spend money on some Sisters of Battle themed cosmetics (even ones that are close to the vibe) for my zealot. They aren’t available right now and I’m sure in a few weeks when I’m traveling or taking a break from Darktide they will become available yet I won’t be around to purchase them.

If they were in the shop right now I would have already spent my money.


Closest to a Sororitas I seen was these as far as the Diadem and upper body armor, also Zealot Preachers in general are attached to guard and Sororitas or are part of detachments usually to them, also these pictured cosmetics befit crusader vibes too

Update to my compiled research of the past cosmetics that can be mixed and matched to fit the more Sororitas vibe is the crusader armored items. @KillerSalad I do like that you bring to mention and also I kick myself for not attempting to grab at least the armored leg cosmetics for my zealot because I like the idea of how it makes it more Crusader or Sororitas

These are great suggestions! I will add them to the list.

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it just shouldnt rotate

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It has the longest rotation period of any live service game I know of.
Given that so much of what Commodore gives us is palette swaps and cosmetic Frankensteins, it’s hard to see why it took two weeks (to explain further, psyker got eight battledress colour patterns over two years).
This problem won’t be solved unless Fat Shark fires lazy modelers or hires more contract workers.

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I actually remember when this happened.

Early on in the game, the cash store didn’t have the same number of tabs it does today - AND rotated every week. People started complaining that you only had a week to buy a skin, then it appeared to be gone forever. So, they added more tabs to the store AND changed the rotation to every two weeks.

Personally, I think this over-corrected. With three tabs in the cash shop, a weekly rotation is fine. Three weeks is plenty of time to think over a purchase and, if you end up letting it slip by and regret it, more roll-over means more chance you’ll see it again.

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