Are mods allowed?

Hi, I’ve seen many players on YT play with variety of mods so I just want to ask here what is the official stance when it comes to using mods? Is there any kind of allow list or so?


Yes, all mods are allowed.

Technically speaking, anything that’d change the game for someone else or ruin their fun is disallowed. But since such mods aren’t made or programmed in the first place as the modding community moderates itself very well, there are virtually no such mods out there.


My personal rule of thumb is don’t talk about them in general game play. The only times I’ve broken that guideline I’ve set for myself is when someone on the victory screen says thanks for the carry and in reality they had top score, I like to let them know they got top score and move on. =)

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I mean… I feel kind of bad about spidey sense.

But out of the 100 disablers I killed last match around 60 of them were silent.

I’d have to confirm with gameplay footage, but the majority of them did not make any noise, and I know this because the warning indicator on them is set to only 20m which on hounds is quite low considering how fast they move.

I miss the lack of visual noise, but until as long there’s no audio noise I’m stuck with my screen flashing warning colors at me.


That mod should be a basic accessibility feature. Not all people have perfect hearing.


To add onto your point, it also really helps with bugged sound cues.

I don’t disagree with you, but at the same time me being able to accurately pin point where a special without having to even think about it is kind of dumb as well.

I have no such disabilities either.

The problem is the alternative where you get chain spawns with no sound at all which for me at least is quite common. Wondering if my gun audio is drowning them out because my zealot seems to have fewer (though still plentiful) sound issues.

Either way I feel icky about it, but I feel worse when I get silently trapped.

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Using sound doesn’t require much thiking either since it’s reaction, how is that’s dumb? lol.

I would always prefer sound more than visual if it isn’t borked imo.

Also it’s not like there’s minimap on you so ‘acurrately pin-point’ is a bit exaggerate. The indicator itself is only in 1 dimension so it probably can’t tell the location between high ground too, but then again the borked sound also have this same problem.

Funny thing, there is a mini-map mod, too.

Anything that doesn’t DIRECTLY buff you or your teammates is allowed. So, anything that’s still on Nexus is 100% sanctioned - everything else is a bit iffy at the moment, but the weapon customisation mod (which isn’t on Nexus) seems to be perfectly fine by Fatshark.

Was their name Min? If so, that was me. It made me so happy to know how well I did :sob::sob::sob:

I got no idea I’ve mentioned it to several players. I play a lot of rounds so it all blurs together. I’m mostly trying to evaluate if my build with whatever adjustments I make is maintaining competitiveness. There are rounds where you can feel like everything is terrible and not working, but you were actually carrying the team, and there are rounds where everything feels like it’s working amazingly and you’re top G, but in reality you weren’t keeping up with the team.

So because of that, having some objective stats is nice to make sure I’m not deluding myself.


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