Watched a stream where a guy wrote in chat that he was partially deaf and asked for tips for pox bursters and trappers. Since they rely rather heavily on audio.
Now, that person played on PC so there were other who said there was a mod that could be used. For myself, while not deaf or anything, I do play on console where mods are not an option. Maybe something could be added?
This is spidey sense, a mod totally useless if you have no hearing problem.
The mod won’t fix sounds not played at all.
Considering how the said mod is seen as a cheat by several (not me), if they would add it, I fear that these persons would cry…
They don’t care that you (not you personally as you said you have no such problem) could get hearing problem…
*edited - to be less inflammatory! Sorry Ralendil!
Regardless, @ OP - I’m really keen to follow this streamer as they’re not on my radar, so if you can share their ID (pretty please) and/or the stream you were talking about I’d love to follow them. Not least because I’m intrigued about a player “good enough” to be streaming DT who is yet unable to deal with those two enemies.
Useless in the sense that you can play without it and that you won’t get a real advantage at using it.
My opinion is the result of 3 weeks testing it…
Sure there are players that think it is a huge advantage and tested it 20 minutes at least.