Appreciation post regarding the update and some suggestions

Really liked the new weapon system and giving players agency is never a bad thing. Some of the new blessings are really good. Thanks for that: perhaps the community has been a bit negative regarding the state of the game at times. Glad to see things are improving.

Some suggestions that would be appreciated;

Ripper gun (recoil when braced still too much) IMO dunno what others think. I find the ripper perfect but its just needs a tiny bit more umph for it to be in a perfect state: the blessings are a bit underwhelming.

Ogryn melee weapons: Branx
Just need tiny adjustment to the swing speed then would be really in the sweet spot. Really have enjoyed it since the update but the slow swing sometimes gets you stuck in a horde and offers no way out even with the help of a push. Great job.

I would really like to see some skins for the pickaxe I think it only has 3 at the moment; perhaps someone can confim. I think I have all of them.

Suggestion on Ogryn Cosmetics; Armor plates that also cover the lower belly; now they are seemingly covering only the upper torso on most.

The bigman really needs more weapon variation: especially the shield with ”pool noodle”, that has the light attack which useless. Could we get a cleaver, with crowd control focus and a small pick variant? Perhaps even the shock gauntlet.

Smaller shield or power buckler, with a chainweapon (requisitioned / stolen) and a bit broken. So not to upset the lore peeps.

More slashing weapons, blunt is just so boring. Slashing weapons make the game feel much better, like the branx. Perhaps we could even get a force 2-handed axe. Dunno if lorewise this is a problem. Would be really cool.

Ranged; cannon and slug kickback. Srsly just want to have a huge cannon that is ripped from the carriage.

Regarding the tinkering of objectives. I think the ogryn should just smash the console, to make it work. They are not known for their finesse.

More voicelines regarding the emprah. Really loved the early stages of darktide when lines were not so common. But now frequently hear the same lines over and over.

Voices of narration: Mazozi; awful just let me mute some of the narration or mute Mazozi. I get it some ppl like her. However the accent is so tedious and fake so I really dislike it.

Also due to reasons that have to do with military structure: the stuff that she ”knows” would never be told to her in the first place and secondly she is not in a position to dictate anything to superiors. So makes her less believable as a character. You would never tell a pilot mission parameters unless they are paramount to the success of the mission. A pilot would be only interested on the presence of aa and other enemy assets that influence her job. So having a preference on the narrator would be cool. I just dislike her pretentious accent. In contrast Hadron; is absolutely wonderful and really funny.

Penances: Suggestions regarding their ”rewards”

I play mostly the ogryn and on occasion vet, zealot. However I have noticed that if I want to have points to unlock the cool blue armor. This would not be possible. Could we get options to get enough points for the cool stuff despite playing a single class. Repeatable penances or similar. This would be wonderful.

I just wanna play my favorite guy the big man: he now has a midshipman cap. Would love to have the title for him: midshipman. Would be great.

Also PS; just remove FOMO, everyone hates it, its garbage and create some special cosmetics for holidays and us who stuck around from beta. I really hate that all the cool stuff is lockef beyond a paywall, instead of giving the cosmetic shop some much needed life. Currently there is nothing to use the resources we have. I have likely around 120-150 weapons spread across two ogryns. The earned dockets and resources let me use them to get cosmetics like it was in Vermintide 2. Or better adopt the same model as Helldivers 2 has were we can play the game and get the currency or pay to get it faster. This is a game design choice.

I really hope that you guys succeed and it would be really good to see that you actually would care for the community if predatory mechanics were removed. Greed is not good: we get that you also need to get paid, but just let us enjoy the game that you have made and the wonderful atmosphere instead of pushing the community away further with predatory practices. It does not have to be like the greedy corpos tell you. Its your choice as company to exploit and its a value choice.

I am willing to pay for DLC and content, but I want to have the ”full experience”. At least give me armour as a base with different color pallette if you charge money for it.

Finally; please fix the Krieg Cosmetics and make them with the hose like the ones with steel legion that came out recently

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