Anyone have a good shade build for a noob?

2h Sword: Is Kerillians 2H sword any good?
Similar playstyles to 2h sword:
-Dual Swords (ult on charged can kill 2 elites at once)
-SnD (as above)

Glaive: Shade still useless
-Now running 15% crit, 20% Chaos, 10% Armour and Resourceful Combatant, Cooldown Reduction+Crit on trink

Most other weapons would take similar builds. I see spear getting talked down atm, which is one of the best and most versatile weapons. I expected it to be bad too until I was topping damage easier than some of the other builds I’ve tried.

All weapons are viable, but I’m yet to test 1h sword other than a few patches ago. Glaive is obviously best with Spear/Daggers following it.

At the minute I’m using a boss melting build.

Dual Daggers build:
Dual Daggers: Crit/Chaos (resourceful combatant)
Hagbane: Crit/Monster (hunter)
Neck: Stam/Health, tempted to go Damage Reduction/Health
Charm: Chaos/Armour (decanter)
Trinket: Cooldown Reduction/Crit or Curse Resist/Crit, depends how confident you are in playing defensive (shrapnel)

3, 3, 1, 3, 3

boss melting, destroys chaos warriors, fast charged attacks, solo potential, top melee kills, ranged horde clear if needed/ammo box
hard build, relies on team for stagger, relies on team for some special kill (hag can knock gutter runners off people though), relies on constant headshots, low ammo capacity

Playstyle tips:
-VS single enemies push > attack for safety
-try to stand behind your team mates spamming headshots during hordes, go for elite kills whenever possible (you have to make up for not using glaive)
-2-3 attacks and then a push in hordes
-kite and use dodge as much as possible
-VS elites, spam charged attacks and try to get their backs
-chase specials in stealth during hordes and then kite the horde until your team can help
-if you don’t need to fight the horde, don’t fight it. play safe
-spam left click with hagbane on bosses or ult with a purple pot