I’m just out to see what other people are doing with this class.
I’ve moved to a crit based build I’ve got 5% crit on every item that will carry it.
Primary weapon: Dual sword, using “Resourceful Combatant” to get fast ult cooldown.
I’d like to use daggers, but unless the party is just right this does not seem to work that well, and the swords seem to generate more “Resourceful Combatant” proc’s (not sure if this is true)
Glaive seems sub par to be honest, it just does not hit enough enemies to lower the Infiltrate cooldown,
Spear, I’ve not used this with the Shade yet, feels more like a Handmaiden weapon though.
Sword and dagger, I’ve not gone back to this since starting a crit based build, but unsure that it offeres any advantages over dual swords.
I’ve not used the 1 handed sword or 2 handed sword at all yet.
People seem to freak out that I’m not using a Glaive but to be honest it now seems subpar to me, this could be a verm 1 Cata hangover on my part I guess, S&D seemed a better option to me.
I’ve moved to the repeating crossbow, because I found a red one, I’ve not put much thought into it’s traits yet, (any suggestions would be welcome) but I suspect that the long bow might be a better choice?
My talent tree is still up being worked out, current preferences are:
LVL 5: Shadow step
LVL10: Hekartir’s Bounty (I’m not really sure how much damage this is buying me though)
LVL 15: Ereth Khial’s Herald, (extra damage), considering moving to one of the others just not sure 5% move or extra damage to disabling enemies are actually useful.
LVL 20: Khaine’s Thirst, (health on kill), considering trying Weavebound, with my current crit build though.
LVL 25: Shadesprint, (reduced infiltrate cooldown) I’ve used Shadowhunter in the past and loved it, but… I love spamming infiltrate.
Anyone doing anything differently? Any suggestions with the reasoning behind them would be great.