Here what happened. Since yesterday, I have lot of unregistered hits. At least, at beginning I was suspecting it. So, I have but the health bar mod and could see that it was not just an impression.
I was using revolver. When I was clicking “fire”, the animation was running, the sound played, we could see the bullet effect and the enemy was not taking any damage and no bullet was used.
Then I have realized that it was not hit registration. It was when using something, sometimes the action was not registered. As example, picking a plasteel to have to come back cause it was not registered by server. Changing of weapon. Picking nade. Launching nade. Using ability.
About this, here what happen. I click the ability, animation and sound played, all looks like the ability started, and then it reset. As example, I could talk about the game today where I have encountered a situation where I had to click 3 times to enter stealth. By this time I took 3 hits (as I was thinking I was in stealth state).
My last game I wanted to test helbore I. Great, aiming works good. However, charging reset 1 time over 3. This mean you aim a sniper, and realise that the shot did not load.
Also, off course, even without charging, I get phantom hits.
Well, I cannot play like that. I accept to die, I can accept that sometimes I do things stupid and die cause I deserved it, but I cannot play like that this game as I tend to die stupidly but not cause of something I did wrong.
When you shoot a dog with revolver and that it is a phantom hit and get caught by dog… this is raging. Such situations happen a lot of time in my missions, so much that I have closed the game.
Will retest tomorrow, but in such conditions, I won’t play it.
I tested with solo mod. Nothing of this happen.
I have also tried to turn off VPN, but no change.
My actual ping in game is around 105 (was 75 by the past).
does seem to be a fair few people have this issue for a long time now, various areas of America and seems to be another cluster south / east of europe
im lucky i dont seem to suffer from it , every now and again i get a rubber band right at the start of the level but i think thats something else.
what your describing is classic lack of upload causing the client info to not get to the server in time causing it to get undone.
not sure if theres anything you can do , use wired over wifi , turn off anything like vpn , try to connect to a different area in steam. make sure your not using a 15 year old network cable or one thats broken etc could easily be your ISP traffic calming or throttling your upload or just any bad hardware beween
Will try to play an other game to see if it is my connection
Starship trooper got an update ^^
But if it stays like that and if it is not my connection, then I could play only in solo… and as solo does not permit to get crafting materials… well, end of DT.
I have those problems making the game unplayable half of the time. The funny thing is that I had my best time on the game playing the beta and release, and I think after the first patch, I’ve started to have those issues randomly.
Fatshark is aware of the problem, and that’s all. For now the only solution is to play and if the game works ithen have fun, if it doesn’t well play another game and try another day. And pray that Fatshark complete silence on this issue is that they’re working on it but still haven’t found a solution, and not that they just don’t care since, the issue seems common, but affects a minority of players (unlike crashes that were affecting 90% of players)
Their choice
Won’t play this game if it works half the time… especially with such crafting system (that I have always described as not friendly toward casual player).
Will retest tomorrow
and played starship trooper without problem…
I have experienced some weird hit/kill reg lag. It’s especially strange as it seems to hit specific weapons only.
I might be running Revolver, and sometimes when I shoot the enemy I hear the sound of the shot, the bullet reaches its target enemy flinches then moves forward then a good 1 second later there is the hit sound and it falls over (me getting the credit). It can happen multiple times during a single mission meanwhile melee weapon is totally unaffected.
Another time it might be the melee weapon, I hit the enemy, there is some kind of hit sound, pause then another crit/headshot sound and the enemy falls over, while the ranged weapon kills are totally unaffected during that game.