To begin with, I am going to preface this, by stating that you’re a boob. Sir you’re an undeserving boob that does not deserve such a nuanced response.
Now, let us address your points shall we?
For starters, I hope you never operate under a leadership within an organized company. Otherwise you will cost your own company capital.
If your entire argument boils down to this,“Hurr durr, you got hundreds of hours of fun out of the product.” Then you, my friend, are engaging in something called a strawman.
Strawman: an intentionally misrepresented proposition that is set up because it is easier to defeat than an opponent’s real argument.
In this case you are intentionally misrepresenting an entire community’s grievance, to such a narrow point, that you might as well engage in ad hominem instead.
Of course if you forgot what the community’s grievances are. Allow me to illuminate your thick cranium.
- They took down the roadmap prematurely, and never bothered updating it. Effectively leaving everyone in the dark, regarding the games development. A roadmap, in general, outlines the teams priorities, expectations, and milestones. Basically, it fleshes out a projects goals. It also informs the playerbase of timelines, and what to expect for the future.
This is what the roadmap looked like before they took it down:
We were supposed to already have dedicated servers, DLC, and new maps. However this never came to be
The company, Fatshark, has instead chosen to further increase tensions by not communicating with everyone; or instead choosing to favor one social platform over the other. What this causes instead is confusion and agitation.
Drop rates for certain items also proved to be a huge issue for the community. What I mean is that cool skins, hats, and rare items; proved to be ludicrously difficult to obtain. The community raised much concern over the months, but were met with dead silence for months.
It takes the company forever to address concerning issues. For example, it took them months to address the scarcity of green dust. A problem that affected every player, on all difficulties
Fatshark Robin passive aggressive addresses to the community, didn’t help one bit; proving only to agitate matters.
Lastly, the community discovered that the game has content that is being withhold for future DLC.
Review each item on the list, then carefully self reflect you boob.
Secondly, if you’ve been paying attention at all, no one is saying that they hate this game, you boob. People legitimately love this game, and see the potential that the product has. Not one person has come to regret the hours that they have spent on the product. People are just frustrated by the utter and sheer incompetence that the company has displayed recently.
But of course, this most likely will fall upon deaf ears.