Announcing Unlocked and Loaded - Update (September 26, 2024)

okay but can we customize weapon specials and the sights? can we customize melee attack patterns? what about penances for weapons, are those gonna be a thing?

don’t get me wrong, i’m more than excited for the update, i can’t wait for a timed mission and an actually functional chat system, but the things i mentioned are things that i personally have been looking forward to having be a thing and i’m sure that more people than just me feel this way.

the torch feels useless for me and the helbore sights suck, not to mention the axes have no vanguard or relentless attacks from what i’ve been able to find out, so i know that weapon sight and special customization and attack pattern customization would be more than welcome by the community.


Cool, so two years after release, the game is finally in its 1.0 release.


Serious question, why would you stress about a ~1% margin? Like 16% toughness really not gonna cut it?

They’ve already said they’re removing all locks from curios, meaning it will be trivial to get a curio that’s at 98% of max effectiveness.

I have to strongly question, at the rate FS gets things done, that this could ever make it onto a realistic priority list.


Since i karking hate your guts FatWhale, i can’t karking believe that this overhaul seems karking good.

I actually think that if everything checks out and the transition to new system is fair and square, it may be the best update after tree skills.

For the karking Empruh!

(One karking month will never feel slower to pass…KAAAARK!)


I think your guys’ devs did a good job, from what has been described in the previous Q&A and the teaser, not merely cynically inverting the negative aspects, but coming up with something that feels satisfactorially new.

You’re still going to have negative nancies that want to doubledown and wallow in that mind set, but I think you guys already had a pretty enjoyable game, it’s just hard to shake that momentum the player base has for it being hip and cool to bemoan every happenstance.

There has to be a progression system and there should be progression beyond the character levels and I think this does a better job of making that feel more positive and obvious to the players that see an icon and their blood instantly boils over.


With two years of good, simple suggestions on how to satisfy customers which have been completely ignored about itemization and “breaking the locks” I am dubious of this clearly ambiguous “overhaul”. It sounds unnecessarily convoluted yet again. I dont think anyone asked for even more grind to optimize weapons. I just wish FS would stop being indirect, taciturn and unnecessarily mysterious.

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i do hope this update pleases all the people that just couldn’t get on with the previous one.

i just cant help the feeling that people have been complaining about how much they dont like it rather than a real reflection of its effectiveness. i know i dont actually need any weapons crafted and havent for hundreds of hours. unless ive missed something this isnt new stuff its a new way to get the old stuff.

so we cant even start work on actual content till October and well lets be real that’s the start of Christmas holidays :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

the problem im having is that pick axe design was so chefs kiss all other weapons feel a bit jank, the weapon design team seems to be on a roll cant wait for more of that! and of course a 5th arch and more class’s really would be nice.


I must’ve missed something here. They’re not removing Brunt’s armory are they? If so what’s stopping us from RNG gambling just like we do today?


Yes there is still RNG. but with the new system, once you have a good stat weapon you can keep changing the perks on it forever.

Also the new system means that higher points are no longer the thing to aim for at brunts, instead you should find the best distribution of stats…that can then be juiced up to maximum in the crafting system.

Why oh why they don’t just give us a pool of 380 points to put where we like on each stat as a slider, is beyond my comprehension but it is arguably better than the current system.


So rather than being able to eventually max out your weapon, you’d rather have the stats extended while only being able to use 380 out of 500 potential? You’d rather still have RNG to determin which greys you upgrade rather than just picking one and eventually turning it into a perfect weapon?

Yeah I’ve had my “fair” share of RNG getting in the way, f*ck that.

Also notice how I said “at the current moment absolute maximum”? As in: eventually we’re gonna get past the 80% mark, which is just our current arbitrairy version of 100% maximum stats.

If this we’re an Ideal world, we wouldn’t have stat bars to begin with! But since this isn’t an ideal world, I’d rather ask for that last RNG to be gone instead of asking for them to have to redo the entire arsenal and remove stats altogether…

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Stat bars is probably the single best itemization addition DT have, and yes I would have 380 out of 500 for sure, maybe 400 out of 500 if 100% is reachable. Having this gap allows you even deeper (or in other words another layer of) customization for weapons to your personal desires.

I personally prefer more customization so I’m happy that it doesn’t stop at just 2 perks and 2 blessings.


You will still get good weapons from Brunt, Brunt is not removed from the game, and the chance of getting good weapons from Brunt is not nearly as bad as feom Melk.

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Why post was in relation to being able to upgrade a weapon to gold, to get a decent item to grind mastery with.

The crafting lottery has absurd RNG, and you can no longer change anything about the weapon, whatsoever - until you have mastery. So the ‘shortcut’ to get a decent weapon before having mastery, doesn’t really exist - was my point.


Everything you are saying is just making clear you absolutely hate literally any kind of progression system, and that you would much prefer a pure sandbox game with no progression of any kind whatsoever.

But that is absolutely not acceptable to any of us here, Darktide is NOT a simulator game with enough gameplay complexity to make for an engaging and replayable purely sandbox game with no progression at all.

Instead it’s the RPG-like progression with looting elements that keeps us playing this game, where progrssion requires time investment, while looting requires a certain level of RNG.

Maybe Darktide or literally any game with RPG or progression element is just simply not for you, I would suggest you to check out the many really good flight simulator games currently on the market, they are amazing and they would guarentee you can set your loadout at will at anytime with complete freedom, and there is absolutely no grind at all you need to do.


If I were you I would be careful to claim that you speak for ‘everyone else’.

The meat of this game is builds. Fiddling with (sadly lackluster) talent trees, perks and blessings. The grind is only a time wasting mechanism to stop players from being able to reach the true end-game, which is trying out different builds.

While certainly plenty of people seem unable to enjoy a game without time wasting grind, I think you’ll find I’m hardly alone in thinking it is an incredibly obvious player retention time-wasting, time-gating mechanism in this game.

What is the progression system of Left 4 Dead?


Heyo! No, I wouldn’t say complaining is what I was suggesting. :joy: I meant we are open to feedback from players. If the amount of XP given for Mastery, etc. doesn’t feel like the correct amount, let us know! That is something we can tweak so that it does feel right for players.


While I know we’ll get more detailed information about the upcoming changes soon, I’ve got to ask: Please tell me there are ways to bypass or speed up the acquisition of mastery XP.

Currently there seems to be a few ways to handle the upcoming changes, in the sense of spending the least amount of time to gain mastery.

  1. Having played previously and acquired a good rolled weapon already to use to grind out mastery XP, not something that is available to newer players or when there are new weapons added into the game.
  2. Having friends to help you speedrun through missions to focus on gaining mastery XP on your chosen weapons.
  3. Using one new weapon and one weapon that you’ve already leveled up to a certain extent and having the weapon with more mastery do most of the work (I’m just assuming that you’ll get XP for both main and secondary weapons)
  4. Similar how it currently works, using brunts for good base and hadron to upgrade it. While there is more leeway in getting a workable starting weapon, but this depends on how much time it takes to be able to switch out at least one perk and/or one blessing. Starting at a lower tier version of said perks and/or blessings and gradually improving them with the increase in mastery levels.

Uh, best distribution of stats has always been what you should be looking for at Brunts, along with 369+.


Yeah I don’t think the stat bars not all being well balanced is a good argument against their existence. It’s a fine enough concept I agree, the problem is primarily in your ability to exert control over your desired stats. Still not clear just how much this update will alleviate that, but I do like the general direction I’m seeing.

I just wanna feel like every mission is giving tangible progression, rather than a chance at tangible progression, and I’m hopeful mastery can deliver that.


I hope too, I also hope that it isn’t just do 10 missions and there is no progression anymore.