Announcing Unlocked and Loaded - Update (September 26, 2024)

Go fatshark, gooo~ :heart_eyes:


With no blessing library and being unable to change perks, this isn’t much of an option. The odds of getting a weapon through crafting or Melk that is even remotely statted like you want, is close to zero. I’d go so far as to say for many/most weapon families, it is impossible to roll something you want straight out of the gate.

The only way to change anything at all on a weapon, is to grind through the mastery system. So yes, you can upgrade a weapon to gold… but you’re stuck with whatever perks and blessings are on it.

Good luck with that.


“Race against time” you know that just encourages Knife users to speed run the map…


well you would assume we get 5 since they gave us 5 character slots at base.

New archetypes are even less of an certainty, and the number of slots is meaningless, if they add a new arche, they’ll most likely add a new slot anyway

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The crux of complaints about the upcoming changes to the crafting system seems to be that players that have large stockpiles of resources won’t (based on current information) be able to dump those resources into shortcutting the grind for new weapons that are released.

To elaborate: Presently, when a new weapon comes out, and if you have 20,000+ plasteel (or similarly large reserves) you can burn through buying and upgrading weapons at brunt to mine for blessings, and then drop those blessings on the handful of decent base stat rolls you get from Brunt and have some “decent” options to experiment with after 30-minutes of crafting shenanigans. This possibility, we assume, is going to go away.

I completely understand that frustration.


I’ll be blunt: I don’t really care. I can spend 1,000’s of plasteel trying to get a decent item and/or blessings… and still have nothing left. I then have to “grind” out another 5-10k plasteel worth of games to try it all again. The current situation remains miserable. I’d much rather “grind” on a new weapon family to be able to predictably level it up. And you still have Brunt and the armory exchange to get you started at least.

I’m also sitting on library of half-bricked or fully bricked weapons waiting for locks to be removed. And removed they’ll be, giving me a lot more options for my current gear.

A lot of this all hinges on the pacing and how quickly you can get a new weapon family leveled up to “decent” status, so you can run with that decent weapon and build up father mastery.

Seems like people want a shortcut. It would be nice to have, but frankly not that necessary in my mind.


Great stuff, shame it’s another month of wait, I need it right now :frowning:

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Pretty much this.

@FatsharkStrawHat This entire trailer feels like you have understood and learned absolutely nothing from the initial feedback to the itemization blog.

A massive disappointment honestly. I hope that the devblog shows more promise. If this is all the teaser had to show for, you could have dropped it with the itemization update blog post months ago. Not exactly instilling confidence or a sense of progress tbh.

The fact that you force me to an arbitrary grind whenever a new weapon with a new family drops before I can even experiment to see if I like it or not is absolute bs. It’s a system designed to waste my time.

Even Vermintide 2’s system was better. Especially when you already invested a lot of time and had materials stored. You were just ready to go. This just invalidates the investment players have already made. This isn’t an mmo or live service game where you have to put people on a grind treadmill ffs.


So another month to wait, what a joke; was expecting it at the end of the current event in two days ! I just reach 4986 hours in DT and i gonna pause the game from now.

Lets hope that all my 100 hard earn ( and i mean it) 377, 378, 379, 380 weapons for my 5 characters won’t be f*cked up next month by this new system cause i don’t own any T1 or T2 (who owns them really apart from flechet and manstopper for the 2 shotgun and ripper ?) Had to recreate a 6th character just to farm T2 flechet and manstopper for the new shotgun cause i only get T3 past 900+ level.

I spend several millions docket, plasteel, diamantine to farm those T3 and T4 tiers and i hope that there is not another hidden wall grind mechanics behind the new system where you’ve have to own each perk from T1 to access upper tier T2 then T3 and T4 cause it will p*ss of a lot of old player including me…

Let’s hope that my best ripper II gun with T2 flechet will be upgradable dispite having a T2

And please remove that stupid private lock for penance. Ogryn penacelock has been removed and been lower so why psycher have to BB 50% of a monstruosity in a private game when it was 90% in public before the overhaul patch ?

TBH, I want fully maxed weapons where I pick the perks and blessings. The only sensible way to design a game like this, that hinges 500% on build experimentation. The shortcut is just a way to approximate that, a way which is going away.

Instead there there will be enforced timewasting and grind for each and every weapon family.

All of them.

The game will also deny you any and all progress if you already have a weapon family maxed. It is the ultimate in time wasting nonsense. No amount of play will give you even the slightest edge when a new family drops.

You end up with an incredibly stupid system. By having the core of the game now rotate around forced grind, playtime with maxed weapons is ‘wasted’ playtime in this system.
In this system, you have to grind a weapon fully before you can actually fully evaluate if a weapon (and it’s blessing combos) is worth having whatsoever. You end up with an incredibly incongruous and stupid system. Everything is a grind, but if you’re using a weapon you have maxed, you’re not progressing, you’re not grinding, it’s all a waste.

Contrast to a system with zero grind, zero malicious retention BS, where you’re simply playing to play.

By forcing this grind system, they are idiotically removing (for some people, at least) the fun of playing to play. Because you will always know that any playtime with a maxed weapon, is wasted playtime, where you are making zero progress.

To have this system for this type of game is staggeringly stupid. By creating this new grind, this new carrot, this new retention, they are ultimately undermining the entire game - because once a weapon is maxed, there is no grind incentive to keep playing with that weapon. And they seem to think there must be a grind incentive.


Looked like a raw animation work in progress of the Mourningstar involved in getting battle-ready

omg you’re brilliant, can we keep you as our CM? :joy:


Then you get to play Space Marine 2 for two and a half weeks, by then you may have completed campaign, co-op multi-player played, and have time to come back to darktide

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But someone in ObeseTuna probably got a nice pat on the back from their superior for coming up with it. Forced grind is afterall a great way to increase how many misisons people run in a given time period. Which is almost certainly the core “metric” used to measure “player engagement”. Plus its a staple of pretty much any game out of Asia where the mantra might as well be “don’t make a better game, make a newer game”. In other words don’t try to fix what is wrong, just churn out another game to catch a new school of players to milk then rinse and repeat.

Of course that is utterly ignoring that it also tends to result in the population collapsing abruptly and catastrophically when enough people get tired of the hamster wheel and jump off all at a once followed the rest in a “last one turn off the lights” scenario. And unlike Asia the more lucrative per-person market in the Americas and Europe tends to be a bit less loyal to particular studios. A monsterously bad product or a string of just bad ones doesn’t just send the games players leaving but keeps them wary of touching any other product from the same studio. Everqest learned that the hard way much to their chargin and it hasn’t proven any less true since then.

Of course I’m sure ObeseTuna figures that they’ve already tanked their reputation with most of Darktides players (see count at release vs. now) so they have nothing left to lose. Should make for an interesting time when they discover that you can always fall further.

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You can pay in Diamantine and Plasteel to bump the stats up to 80%


Imagine how much the Ogryn pogger dialog will be on the train, and doing the bull rush on the train shouting that :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I don’t think so. They mentioned they would stay as is from what I recall… which I can live with, like the randomized stat bars. Annoyed but serviceable.

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So still no update or even acknowledgement about the Xbox issues and crashes and the hot fix that fixed nothing for Xbox again so sad to see that there seems to be no care at all but I guess that’s what I get for trying to play this game :man_shrugging: just wanted any kinda confirmation of issues and the only confirmation I’m getting is from other people having issues not a single community leader

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Same. I have never watched a youtube premiere before and was like… Did I click on the wrong video? Are they doing some collab with armoured core or something?

On a MOVING train this time? Damn. We’ve seen moving trains above our heads, we’ve been in stationary trains, we’ve stopped a moving train, and now, we get to go ON a moving train. Well Emperor be. “I’ve always dreamed of being a steam tank…”


We can look forward to doing it all over again, as all gear might be reset!