An Update on Itemization

hey i understand that it requires work to do the itemization right , but how about you share some of the ideas to the community to help YOU know what we actually want , the inquisitorial silence is not good and i thought you guys know that. Do a … test server were people can come play and test various new upcoming features , get the feedback , and make the arrangements that in the end will help you


not suprised… lol


And just like that @Ol_Jakal spontaneously combusted


Is there a reason you guys dont remove the locks from blessings/perks until the rework is ready


Just watched the newest space marine 2 Trailer. No need for your updates anymore.
Fatshark could learn a lot from the space marine 2 devs.

P.s: I think games workshop should rewoke your license and hand it to someone who is using it with more respect


Yeah, at this point it just feels too much like a “matter of principles” or something. Just let us make usable weapons in this wretched system.


Asked over on Reddit, but are the new weapons still coming next week with Secrets? @ FatsharkQuickpaw

Edit: just saw QP’s response on Reddit:

Aye! The rest of the Secrets of the Machine God update are locked in for Next Week™, guaranteed! We also have a dev blog coming out this weekend (not the Itemization dev blog, however!)



It is upsetting to hear that the itemization will not be a part of this update, but seeing how that is the final big gripe with the game, you guys made the right call in delaying it. It needs to be a very well fleshed out system.


But you haven’t worked with the community. At all. You don’t share any of your ideas, so there is no way for anyone to give you feedback. Which means you’re not working with the community. The hand picked handful of people in your private discord doesn’t count, and isn’t your community. They really aren’t.


could you just make it this time that the new map pops up instantly in the auric maelstrom pool ?

haven´t played carnival for several weeks due to it not showing up during multiple evening times of gameplay and 1 day a week off.

don´t want to spoil my experience of new stuff with lesser difficulty.

oh before i forget:

could you show some of the stuff that ISN`T there to give us a grasp of the direction?

only so much feedback to give if i don´t know where i´m at (if said feedback would be taken into account anyways)


Ok cool looking forward to the dev blog being fairly meaty this weekend.

Disappointing that the itemization rework won’t be till after the summer but at least we know.

Echoing others get @brosgw in there please or some others that have been critical of crafting in the past.

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Okay, but they say they’re gonna involve other people. That is progress.


Ah, so you will share more info, ya? Pinky promise it, will you? Not like all those looks we had before?

How many more times…


It’s for the Secrets update, not itemization. Just saying!

Was also in this thread lol

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Are these the ‘core-audience’ the OP mentions? From what I’ve seen so far it seems like they’re simply fanboys chosen for being fans and liking everything fatshark does. Is there anything in particular the community has shaped with feedback so far?


While giving no details. No way for anyone to show interest or apply. Which just means more handpicked people, I guess?

Not sure it’s progress, to be honest.


That’s fine but I still hope they give us some more info about the coming update.

An announcement that the announcement has been delayed… who woulda thunk it!


I always find these sort of comments really funny.

As if Warhammer hasn’t gotten much bigger trashes than DT ever was.

Also it’s your own duty to leave games/dev studio that you dislike.

I love Tide games, nobody else want to make them, so I’ll keep with FS cause they love that genre.