Hi! In the last few days I am often getting all three factions (chaos, beast, skaven) in one map so I want to ask: Is it intended? If yes then I want to say that it does not feel good. I’ve actually been thinking about writing a post for the last few weeks that it would be nice to have more maps with just one faction like Into the Nest. (my favorite map by the way) For example War Camp would feel much better if there is chaos only. Dark Omens would be much better if there are only beastmen. In the Skittergate there should be only skaven in the first and the last part, chaos in the middle (Norsca). And so on, I think that one faction maps would be very popular, because they just feel right. It is not logical to see skaven, beastmen and chaos warriors alongside each other.
Maps with the one faction would also be much easier to fine tune just right.
While I agree with this in general I feel that an increased enemy roll for the three factions, especially the Beastmen, would be needed to make them stand on their own.
Its mostly in the area of specials that I feel they could use some improvements before they can reliably stand on their own in more maps and provide varied situations for us to overcome.
One faction maps risk towards “sameness” in the battle situations that occur.
To be fair, the idea of the game to start with was skaven&rotbloods being allied with eachother, it wouldnt be strange having both attack at the same time let alone hanging out in the same maps.
But i agree that the goats make less sense to me, arent they supposed to also have their xenophobia cranked to the max?
The whole game is about doing the same thing over and over. I play Into the Nest 90% of my game time, I’m over 2500 hours into the game and I still find it more fun to fight only skaven than any combination of factions.
Into the Nest is my favorite map, it took me hundreds of hours to realize it was because it’s always rats!
Considering one of my favorite map design wise is Into The Nest precisely because it’s Skaven only I strongly disagree.
I feel all 3 factions should have a dedicated map that exclusively have them alone.
Rot Bloods should have been War Camp
Beastmen should have been Dark Omen after their reveal
Yes! Exactly! .-)
Yeah, a single level being exclusively that one race will make that level unique and interesting in and if itself as it would provide an experience the other levels won’t.
Granted Beastmen NEED more enemy types too. Darktide’s hound, harpies, and perhaps Brayshaman should do the trick.
I would disagree.
While the core gameplay remains the fact that we can change gear and talents along with different oppositions in different places calls of different tactics and resposes by the players. At least if you want to finish the run successfully.
For example…
A specials spam alongside of a horde is a different challenge from a patrol alongside a horde. And these are also different depending on where you’re fighting the foe on the map. Terrain can both hinder or aid either side in a fight.
Even with a limited set of foes there’s significent variations in what situations you must solve or keep on top of to finish the run.
Now, some of these situations can play to the team’s strengths and be a piece of cake. But some can exploiting a weakness and be a really tight fight.
If all the factions had more extended list of enemies then yes, that would work. But I don’t feel we’re really there right now.
Besides if you want to fight only Skaven you should try “Mission of Mercy”. Its a fair bit tougher than “Into the Nest” and also only features Skaven in my experience of it.
I totally agree, I am tired of that too.
It feels totally “out of scene”.
I want many maps to have only 1 race, and the rest max 2.
Except some special maps, where we could have 3 races.
Rotbloods and Skaven have more than enough to stand on their own (Skaven proved that last game), it’s the Beastmen that’s lacking
Also I can 100% confirm that Mission of Mercy have Rotbloods too, that section where you have to spin the switch to open a gate spawned like 10 Blightstormers once…
Yussss!!! dogges for the win.
PS:: Fatshark also I still want more monsters (Chaos Ogre who throws rocks for example).
The mission with the event you mentioned is “A Grudge Served Cold” while I meant “Mission of Mercy”.
Rotbloods feature in “A Grudge Served Cold” but there are only Skaven in “Mission of Mercy”.
Yeah, I like that map too exacly because of that.
I like the randomness of different factions spawning each playthrough. Keeps it fresh.
Having a couple of maps limited to one or two factions for lore reasons is also fine.