Agripinaa Mk VIII Braced Autogun blessings

I feel like it it’s an item that doesn’t get much stronger with good blessings from the ones available.

Speedload - 20% faster reload on slide

Fire Frenzy - 10% fire power for 1.75s on close range kill

Deathspitter - 6.5% power on close range kill (doesn’t specify for how long)

Terrifying barrage - Suppress nearby enemies on close range kill

Hit & run - Immune to ranged attacks for 0.7s on close range kill

Stripped down - Sprint speed when weapon is active

Ideally, I think I might use Terrifying barrage, Hit & Run, or Speedload for safety. While most of the time it’s used to kill threats at range, I’ve been in plenty of situations where some ranged start shooting me while in melee, or some special/elite appears with a gang of shooters. In that case the ability to shoot some nearby enemies, and then take out the further ranged ones could synergize well. But ghost would probably be more useful. I think it could use more blessing options, and some of the ones here could definitely use a buff, balance-wise. The damage buffs are very small,.


The blessing descriptions do not tell you (they really should), but the effects of both blessings stack 5 times, so the damage buffs are not that small.
You get 32.5% power bonus from stacked Deathspitter and 50% power bonus from Fire Frenzy.

However, the duration of these buffs is a bit short, which makes them mostly useful against shooters and hordes. The buffs often run out when you start shooting elites and they run out every time you have to reload.
The duration of the blessing should go up by 0.25s per tier (1.75/2.00/2.25/2.50).


I play mine (on zealot) with “stripped down” to quickly close distance into melee, and then “fire frenzy” or “deathspitter” as a second blessing, for the occasional magdump into a horde

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Those 4 seem to be good:

Fire Frenzy - 10% fire power for 1.75s on close range kill

Terrifying barrage - Suppress nearby enemies on close range kill

Hit & run - Immune to ranged attacks for 0.7s on close range kill

Stripped down - Sprint speed when weapon is active

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