After crafting is overhauled, what do we hope to see next?

To my reckoning, the crafting overhaul (and the balance tweaks and bugfix patches likely to follow shortly after) will be the last noteworthy change to crafting and itemization we will see for a long time or ever. So considering that, what do we hope to see get taken on after that, besides the typical maintenance stuff like balance passes and QoL stuff etc?

Here’s what I’m hoping for and I think, probably, in the order I’d like to see it:

  1. New maps and zones that feel properly distinct from what we have now. The top of the hive city, looking out into open skies of the upper atmosphere, seems cool to me but there are many things that could be done that aren’t just more dark and claustrophobic tunnels and corridors.
  2. Better character customization. More faces and personalities especially. The ones we have are starting to get stale and some new life needs to be breathed into this aspect of the game in my opinion. The commissary deserves a massive influx of stuff too and not kitbashes or retextures of things we’ve already seen a hundred times.
  3. New enemy types, especially bosses/monstrosities. I’d like to see stuff like Moebian 6th officers, Dreg psykers and such as a kind of mini boss that can show up dynamically, similarly to how Daemonhosts do. So not as a monster ambush event, but rather as a type of rare, random spawn amongst all the other spawns.
  4. A new class or expansions on the existing ones. It’s been talked about countless times by now; it is hard to find a plausible 5th class to implement that doesn’t stretch lore accuracy a bit too far. Maybe there’s something I don’t know, I can’t say I’m a master of 40k lore. If there isn’t I feel like there’s more that could be added to the current classes in terms of possible skills and playstyles.

That’s all I can think of at the moment but I’m curious to hear what other’s think as well.



Custom servers - at the very least let us host a room with our choice of modifiers.

New enemy types/bosses - more enemies types makes things more interesting.

New Special Assignments - the Karnak Twins fight was pretty fun, would like to see more of that.

Scab Capitain buff/rework - pretty easy fight nowadays.

Dual weild weapons - 40k pistols always come with a melee weapon, plus VT2 already has a similar system in place so it shouldn’t be too hard

Power Fist - me want big punch


a cosmetics overhaul, the current commodore rotations are awful and the skins even worse.


Big yes on these, especially the power fist.

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Yes to all of the above please! A whole new series of maps would be amazing.

Would be nice if we could get some new jazz in normal cosmetics shop. If it gets any more stale it’ll start growing mushrooms.


let me out a bayonet or a flashligt and sights on most of my guns


Chaos Wastes and Twitch Mode. Nothing else they put in V2 added as much longevity to the game as those two.


What is chaos wastes? Is it a game mode?

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It’s V2’s roguelike mode.


Choosing maps and mods (mission selection needs a rework in general). Chaos waste mode. More focus on balancing and creating new blessings/playstyles for weapons. New enemy types or even factions.

Also the obvious of new maps, weapons, etc.


thats some wishful thinking personally I just want a modifer/map blacklist from quickplay

Once crafting is fixed it’s probably time for FS to really branch out and add a morrow dating sim

also new weapon types, more balance updates, QoL improvements and adding map selection would be cool too I guess


You’ve pretty much summed up what we need.

The order is pretty good, but I’d say I’d want to see new enemies first, then maps, then alongside it updates/upgrades to character customization/Driptide.


I dunno man I’m pretty worn out on the maps at this point. At 2k+ hours I’m sure I’ve done each one over a hundred times and probably quite a bit more for some them. I’d maybe swap places for 2 and 3 though now that I think about it.


I get where you’re coming from but personally I think we’d get more combat variety from the enemies for longer - unless Fatshark really commits to pumping out the maps.


Ideal scenario would be the addition of a new zone coupled with new enemies that have some tie in to the zone itself. Two birds, one stone and all that. Seems like it’d be a solid volume of content for a major patch as well.


The Ragnar series for Space wolf has an opening prologue where they purge a hive city infested with chaos cultists. The upper level has a complete forest inside with hills and valleys for the team to set up ambushes.

I would like a 2 birds one stone approach. The snow map Is a great start for hopefully more to come but I don’t see why existing maps cannot suddenly freeze over (maybe for an event) to allow for more replay on existing maps.


Ner enemy types. Specifically, I wanna see a new faction amd ways for those factioks to meaningfully interact.

I don’t mean Genestealer Cults (although, counterpoint: *c’moooooooon Genestealer Cults!), I mean like a new group of dudes. We have Dregs, we have Scabs, there’s already a multi-faction dynamic going on here. I wanna see them interact and I wanna see new ones. Like I wanna tangle with demons and stuff, throw us those guys. Even other variants of “guys with clubs and guns”, I’d love the variety.

Am I willing to expound on what such a system would look like? Yes, but my other hand is holding a beer next to a grill and i’m hungry.


I was trying to collect em all but @Ragnarok101 has his book of grudges that I think he’s more up to date on than I was.


I’d love if maps could be done in such a way where we actually get setpiece battles/interactions between the imperial guard and the traitor guard during the run, like spots where there’s active fighting between the factions and we’re intervening or cutting through. even if it’s just purely visual set dressing I think it’d be a big upgrade to the spectacle of the game and help maps feel a little more unique