Hello, fat shark. Can you put the head ornament recycling function back online?
Is there a hat you want removed? If so, I believe they will remove it for you if you send in a request through their Support ticket portal.
Thank you for your advice,my friend, but I feel that it’s very troublesome to contact support, and the function of recycling headgear has existed before. I hope fat shark can consider it,I use translation software to talk with you, if there are grammatical errors, please forgive me
I just counted, and I have 25 duplicate hats spread across the various careers. Is Support really going to manually remove twenty-five dupes from my account if I request it?
You would think it would be easier to either allow salvaging hats again, or to remove all duplicates globally from all accounts by making the hats work like weapon illusions.
@LvanVon and @RestingDuckFace duplicate hats are a bug and that’s why you need to contact Fatshark Support to remove them.
If I remember correctly, the reason why hats are no longer salvageable is because there was no favorite system at the time and when players would go and mass salvage their gear, they would inadvertently salvage a hat. From a developer standpoint, it is easier to delete hats per request than getting flooded with tickets from people who accidentally salvaged their hats.
Not everyone in the game gets the hat duplicate bug. I have all of the possible hats from commendation chests and never got a duplicate. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t still happen for other people. It is a bug and the best thing you can do is send in a support ticket explaining your issue and kindly asking them to remove duplicates until the issue is solved.
Well, I submitted a request for the removal of the duplicates. I still think there’s better uses for developer time than manually tweaking the inventories of individual players, but if this really is a bug, I guess there’s no other way.
I’m sure in the future they will come up with a better way to handle duplicate hats but right now they are just swamped with work while still working from home due to the pandemic.
That’s the reason why I was hesitant to bother them about this issue in the first place.
Hello, friend, did fat shark delete your extra hat? I am using the translation software to talk with you, if there is a grammatical error, please forgive me
Yes, I recommend you also contact Support, it’s quick and easy.