about friendlyfire

There are always two sides to a story, though.
If you are into dancing (and I mean partner dancing like standards or latin), there is a saying that if you get your foot stepped on, it is usually your own fault, which in my experience, is very much true.
There are people who just spam their ranged weapons without any regard to their teammates’ or their own safety. But there are equal amounts of people who just literally walk into your line of fire when you are NOT MOVING AT ALL. I cannot count the amounts of times where I was standing perfectly still firing at a horde, elite, boss or whatnot and some other ranged carreer squeezing past me so they can take my (usually advantageous, else I wouldn’t remain stationary) position and fire away. Or melees strutting right through me to engage the single SV I have in stunlock with my ranged weapon to land the last blow on them.

it’s always the beam pyromancer for me, happily jumping in front of me while i’m standing still shooting, wanting to get beam uptime. maybe i shouldn’t be so nice, and continue to fire into her back next time =P

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Firing through your friend should have NEVER been an option. It makes game look stupid and akward. Lowering the FF dmg by devs was like admitting their player base is too dumb. They will never learn to be careful enough, they will never learn the right positioning, etc. Starting nerfing things like these is always bad in longterm view. Veterans will stop play bcs the game becomes too easy. Newbies will get better and start noticing how dumb down the game is. You DONT LISTEN TO CRYBABIES. They will grow up and get better.

grudgeraker friendly fire is honestly the worst. that thing can literally chunk you for half hp in one shot.

But that only happens if the dwarf is REALLY holding a grudge. And why would he ever hold one to begin with…

Those sweet-sweet moments of The Pit though when you have to put down an elf who is stuck in the rocks near the first tome…

rofl i got stuck once. never again. i always walk the long way down now

Same…stuck once. Never again!

I in fact dance for multiple years and that saying is simply not true. It is in 90% the man’s fault for bad leading because he is the one who says where and what to dance and he is the one who has to have the overview. The woman just keeps her head turned left up the roof.

And that’s the perfect analogy for a melee and a ranged hero: The ranged hero has the distance, the overview and can adapt and change his movement more or less freely. The ranged hero can’t see, what’s behind him. He can’t anticipate incoming shots from the back and even worse his movement may be blocked by enemies. Even if the melee wants to dodge sideways sometimes he simply can’t.
If I’d have to make a guess I’d say the fault ratio for friendly fire by mistake is 70:30 ranged to melee if not 80:20.
You’d say:“But the melee keeps jumping into my ranged firing!” but you are the one in control of your trigger. You can stop firing and avoid the friendly fire as ranged.

Me too and in my experience, it holds very much true. But it does depend on what kind of dance we are talking about.

It is something that goes both ways. If I am engaged in attacking a target at range and another heroe simply barges through me to engage the same target, it certainly isn’t my fault if they get hit. Likewise, if someone is engaged in melee with a horde or a part thereof and I just start spamming my fireballs, it is me who is at fault.

Depends on positioning. I’ve seen people firing into the melee line at a ledge and shooting their teammates in the back. /sigh

Beam Sienna is a special case, though. You can get full temp health back pretty much instantly and regardless of pack size so who cares about FF received?

I throw a warning “fireball heads up!” or “casting” but it gets tiring constantly warning people only for them to run right in front of said fireball. I understand It’s hard to determine where a certain character is in the middle of a horde or boss battle.

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