Playing as an Ogryn on damnation, I feel like I’m not able to do anything the moment a group of ranged enemies show up.
Just ONE ranged enemy can instantly take out my 100 toughness that takes forever to build up (20% toughness on heavy swing, IF you can even get a swing in!).
Not even an elite, just a lone ranged dude all on his own just obliterates my toughness. Now, I can slide and dodge out of the way of it, but when there’s two ranged guys firing asynchronously, nope, I get hit regardless.
Once I’m hit, I’m useless.
I can’t charge them even with the 10% toughness for each enemy charged, because they shred my healthbar instantly. Even if I’m in melee ranged with those guys, they still blast me down like nothing, even with sliding.
None of my ranged weapons are good for taking them out because the sheer suppression from their attacks actually prevents me from attacking.
I can’t use cover in some areas because there’s a few zones that don’t have corner cover (Doors, walls, etc.) and only have those small boxes that I can’t use as cover because I’m massive (And yet, have absolutely no suppression resistance or ranged damage reduction).
Even with dodge sliding, I can barely create space for my teammates because getting hit with ranged literally staggers me out of my melee attacks and dodges.
I just have to either equip a shield so I don’t get melted, or sit waayy in the back so I don’t get shredded by the 50 ranged guys + 5 gunners + 2 rippers that are endlessly firing without reloading or downtime. I then have to slowwwwwlllyy wait for my toughness to recover from coherency (Which takes AGES), only for it to get instantly deleted from a random-ass ranged dude hiding in a little corner.
So frustrating.