See, now you’re asking an actual question that I can respond to instead of just dramatically repeating my claims and saying they’re wrong.
- bolt pistol (puncture scales incredibly well on havoc and bypasses the ranged DR modifier)
- bolter (same and I am amazed you think it’s not H40 viable, it hits fantastic breakpoints for special and elite sniping, especially with exec stance but not required)
- recon las (infernus and shocktrooper both scale incredibly well on havoc, also bypasses that mod)
- infantry las (for the same reason as recon las, just more annoying without an autoclicker)
- laspistol (same)
- double barrel shotgun (bleed + crit cleave blessing, wep specialist, uncanny strike)
- zarona revolver (wep spec and just regular surgical setup works)
- agripina revolver (bit of a meme but kills specials and shooters/gunners really well and the rest of your build can make up for how limited it is)
- catachan sword (high mobility, good hordeclear, actually has an infinite cleave move and vet has great talents for this weapon to make it fast and crit a ton and also uniquely gets to kill armor with it if he goes that build)
- combat knives (obvious reasons)
- dueling sword (obvious reasons)
- non folding shovel (due to excellent hordeclear and CC and defensive capabilities and uncanny strike)
All of these are just hwat I personally know is H40 viable from having used it. It’s not exhaustive because i havent tried everything yet. These are on top of the plasma, power swords and hellbores you listed.
Which brings us to this question
Yes, he does. Uniquely, no other class has wep spec. That makes weps that function well with auto crits and reloads function FAR better on vet than other classes. That means he uses revolvers and the shotgun far better. I’d go as far to say the double barrel shotty is only H40 viable on Vet because of how well it pairs with wep spec, uncanny shovel + bleed grenade, but I haven’t specifically tried it on zealot yet. So do you not consider this variety? It’s unique builds only vet can run.
Then there’s shocktrooper, which elevates all lasguns on vet. They still work on other classes though.
As for bolter and the bolt pistol, he makes better use of them simply because his finesse talents are more suited for special killing with them than other classes. He hits more breakpoints more easily.
As for melee weapons, it’s not as clear cut, but depending on what build you go for his melee builds will outperform zealot. Specifically the fact that he gets rending and regenerating krak grenades makes the catachan sword a lot better in his hands than in zealots, at least in my opinion.
Also, this is a bit more abstract, but Vet makes better use of uncanny strike than any other class because of shredder grenades. Just in case you don’t know, you can get them to match ogryn nuke size and kill every enemy in the game with 2-3 of them on H40, and demo team makes em come back fast. This alone means Vet can afford to specialize more when it comes to what weps he brings, which again contributes to build variety.
Absolutely untrue. Vets ranged power absolutely doesn’t “come from exec stance”, it comes from how he has multiple ranged damage nodes, precision strikes, ammo regen and shocktrooper, global 15% damage to elites and another 20% to ogryns (also a big part of why his melee is so strong), uniquely easy access to brittleness/rending which elevates some weps, aswell as a couple random ass 10-20% damage-on-ability-use talents that are basically always up because you get to just spam your ability because of all the CDR in auric maelstrom and h40.
Exec stance is very strong and lets him hit some very good H40 breakpoints, but it’s absolutely not required and even without it he has unique mechanics that let him use ranged weps like nobody else can (wep spec and shocktrooper) and just generally has the most ranged damage, besides maybe a scriers gaze psyker which is balanced out by the opportunity cost of picking it over bubble/scream