To address your issues in order:
Vets aren’t even remotely underpowered. The biggest fundamental difference to before the Oct 3:rd’s class overhaul is that where vets used to be completely overtuned with tons of passives and several unique crazy strong feats/talents & weapons that made them about the best and easiest ranged AND melee at the same time, now they have the same weaknesses as every other class. You need to build into what you do. For example if you focus exclusively on ranged, you will be godly at it, but it will leave you very vulnerable in melee.
Still, vets built right are ridiculously strong. And even the melee builds have access to talents and weapons other classes can only dream of, making them still crazy strong at ranged. A great example of this is the mostly right lane melee vet with Plasma, who combines crazy strong melee with extreme attack speed, crits & dmg, while still having that Plasma for making every ranged, special and elite trivial from max range. No other class can do that.
- Plasma has infinite cleave.
- It consumes 3/9 ammo per light/heavy shot. Almost everything dies 1-2 shots. While oggies typically take 3, the lights build up less heat than 1 heavy while giving you 3x more opportunities to cleave through other mobs through various angles including 3x odds to proc talents. So you should almost exclusively use lights only outside of special circumstances.
- Since a Plasma with ~80% ammo has around 270 ammo total, that’s 90 shots. For revolvers, Zarona has 57 ammo, Agripinaa 87.
- The Agripinaa revolver in general is a very different type of weapon not suitable for long range precision takedowns like Plasma, so comparing the two is pretty pointless.
- Revolver clip size is 5, Plasma has 135/3 = 45.
- Plasma’s light shots autovent on 100% heat, and venting in general is trivial once you get used to it, so it almost never requires reloading mid-fight.
- Zarona depends on Hand-Cannon and typically Surgical for those elite/crusher takedowns, Plasma doesn’t. So the revolver sacrifices 2 blessings, needs time to set up, and only has the clip size to take down 1-2 crushers before a long reload. Plasma can be built whichever way you like and it can still easily deal with 10x as many crushers without issues.
The revolver is in no way even close to being comparable to Plasma in terms of power, cleave, or ammo & clip size. Its only advantage over Plasma is that it’s mobile, fast to equip, fire and kill. It’s a fantastic weapon ofc, but to say that it’s better than Plasma is just wrong on so many levels.
The locks are annoying yes. But tbh the crafting locks, lack of a real mission selector, RNG stores, variable AI & in-mission enemy and resource spawns etc. all exist because the game has very little content. Darktide is all about replayability, making as much use of the little that is there as possible.
If you don’t think about the big picture, then sure just flat out removing the locks would on a personal level feel like a great idea. But it would lead to far more damage in the long run. If they did that, all endgame progression would come to a halt as everyone would have god-roll versions of every gear they wanted so there’d be no need to grind for better ones, check the stores, do the weeklies etc. Worse, no-one who was geared up would care one whit about the materials in missions, or even mission success since it no longer matters, causing the community to split into players who ignore everything and just rush to deal with their boredom vs. newer players who now were forced to stay behind on their own to get any loot for their gearing at all.
All in all it would make many of the game’s gearing mechanics completely obsolete, while making people leave en masse as older players got bored and newer players had to deal with grinding everything on their own in every mission.
Improving the gearing and our agency would be great ofc. But only if it’s done realistically in a way that meets both the player’s and Fatshark’s needs.