So it’s been over 3 months since Grim protocols came out. It hurt not getting a new toy when everyone else did, but the Emperor protects and the guard endures. But the Nightmares and Visions update also doesn’t seem to have any news. Not even something as flavorless as a power sword rework.
You gotta give us something here. Not only are we owed a new weapon, we still have plenty of things in our tree that could use some love. (smoke grenades are hilariously undertuned, the camouflage keystone is basically useless, survivalist is basically mandatory)
Starting to have my doubts about Veterans not being left out for too long. No new weapons in this upcoming patch is already deflating enough, but it’s a helluva bitter pill for Veteran.
Yeah no announcement for the vet weapon but info on new modes was one of the more tone deaf fat shark moments. My guy the guard larp is carrying huge amounts of the game as is and you’re gonna leave 'em in the dark like they were still in the field. Have you turned to chaos?
Im hoping that they either forgot to mention it, or they’re doing the whole “thought we were done? boom, heres a new shiny toy for you”. I doubt it will be something big like a hotshot or a machinegun (even though it would be sweet), but I’ll take anything at this point.
At least as far as weapons go, I’m cool with no new weapons, there’s already more in the game than I’ll ever really play consistently, it’s a lot to maintain and balance, and the game has already turned what tabletop 40k considers a single weapon profile into 18 different las/auto guns. Not to say I’m opposed to new weapons, only that I feel with 112+ weapons already in game (not counting stuff like grenades), there’s already a glut of content most players will never fully explore and that already have existing balance issues.
That said, vet Tree definitely needs a rework. It’s not that the class is underpowered, so much that there’s very clearly large utility imbalances between talents and lots of mechanics that are either much more awkward than they should be or don’t appear to incentivize the behavior they’re designed for (e.g. the precision headshot keystone being best used with short ranged automatic weapons).
It’s clear with Patch 13 that FS struggled with the Veteran talent tree on multiple levels, they didn’t get Keystones with the 2.0 talent trees (ostensibly originally these were weapon-specific, which was a bad idea, so they dropped them), so then they had to get a 3.0 talent tree in the next patch, and then a 4.0 talent tree to re-adjust things so the Keystones didn’t need 3-4 extra talent points to reach over every other class, and it’s still the generally the only class that often builds without a Keystone at all.
Vet has some of the best talents and weapons in game. Would be hard to show love without first nerfing some elements.
Though bolstering weaker talent points and parts of the tree would be nice.
And inevitably new weapons come with every patch, personally would like a 2h Weapon to get some propper use out of 10% attack speed… and of course more gun options.
Because that “well its not his fault” is a big part of why you people are in this mess. If no one wants to call out bad behavior, including failing to have enough spine to tell the developers & management no on stupid ideas or lack of ideas, then there is no incentive for them to change that behavior.
Vet already has the most variety weaponwise and gameplay wise so I’m fine with the class being on the backburner. Before we see new vet exclusive content i’d like to see psyker staves and the ogryn overhaul. That said they are missing an LMG pretty badly which I’m sure will make it in at some point
Mine as well. The kicker for me is that I completely missed the Elysian rotation due to having to be on an enforced break from the game because of good ol’ real life getting in the way of obliterating heretics.
I’d really like a drum-fed squad support version of an Autogun; I think they missed a trick in not making the Braced Autoguns as lightweight machineguns from the start. I would also like another type of Autopistol or two; it is almost criminal that we don’t have an Uzi/Mac-esque one with the magazine in the pistol grip!
I see a few people saying that Veterans already have more than the other classes but this is mathematically not the case. They have the fewest unique weapons unless I’m totally blanking on something. (Doing this at work so I don’t want to spend too much time researching lol)
Zealot (5) - T-Hammer, Crusher, Relic Blade, Heavy Eviscerator, Flamer
Psyker (6) - 4 staffs, force sword, force greatsword
Veteran (4) - shovel, power sword, plasma gun, helbore lasgun
Ogryn - it’s all unique? Not really a good comparison
But even if I’m wrong on that, as was quoted above we were promised that we’d get something early this year back when the Grim Protocols update released. I’m not necessarily surprised it’s not happening with this update, but the radio silence feels like the prelude to a broken promise.
EDIT: Thinking a bit more, it’s a bit disingenuous to even call shovels a unique weapon. Although they are technically distinct from what the Ogryns get, a goon spoon is a goon spoon no matter what size it is. They even have the same strike down special attack for most of the marks
Better blessings on Vet shovels, decimator and uncanny strike are very different and superior in many ways.
And up until very recently Recon lasgun was vet only too fwiw.
The vet is in a good place, it has lots of viable weapon options, and blessings+talents to use them better than the other classes, like Onslaught for rapid fire brittling. The somewhat recently buffed bolters are very strong making them essentially new and the vet has better talents to use them more efficiently.
I’m OK with vet being on back burner, Ogryn should be top priority (well 6-9 months ago), maybe a quick tweak to Exec stance (and Stealth ?).
That being said, fix the karkin’ Power weapons so they actually work properly.
Older weapons like Helbores and Shotguns need a serious looking at to be viable, for the umpteenth time, even doubling shotgun ammo might have been a quick viable fix (that could have been done ages ago).
P.S. Oh yeah, smokes, ugh, just change them to stun/stumm grenades and call it a day.