A Melee game mode?

And in that option, there would inevitably compulsion towards a certain playstyle you prefer. That is precisely your problem: Your prefered playstyle cannot be enforced, and you want a platform for this enforcment. Something that can already be accomplished by hosting your own games (whether there should be host options to disable certain carreers, I cannot say, but I tend to be against that, too).
Other than that, what you want can easily be accomplished by mods and by simply not playing the characters you don’t like. Or you could open a Steam group for like-minded individuals where you could meet with them to arrange play that you like. Besides splitting the player base, such a mode would, sooner or later, lead to elitism because this mode would be considered “harder” than the standard one, resulting in an even stronger seperation between “hardcore” players and “casual” players. Player base is dwindling as it is.

I still don’t see why this needs to be a seperate mode. Anything that can be accomplished by mods, hosting and self-restriction does not warrant any change in my books. If your problem is that you cannot join any lobby with the expectation that everyone picked a carreer that suits your playstyle… well, again, welcome to the club. These problems can be reasonably circumvented by playing with friends, opening a group and your own initiative.


yeah it could be enforced, fat shark can set up any number of modes any way they like.
steam group , mods, host , yeah … that might be a genuine replacement in your mind but to me it sounds a bit like ive phoned up to reserve a table at a restaurant and youve chimed in with why bother just go through the bins out the back of Mc Donalds. i think id still like to see an actual mode thanks!

the argument that some people might abuse it can be used about everything and is no reason to not do it. besides earlier we were in agreement it would be easier.

its fine i get you dont see the need for this mode, but i still do. are you arguing they should stop balancing and content , that can be acomplished by mods to , and i think we both know why your suggesting and why i dont find it acceptable , how many people use mods ? i know i dont i dont want to play on that realm only a tiny fraction of the player base would ever even be aware of the option and fewer still would get to use it.
it can in no way accomplish the same thing as a proper mode.

Dwindling playerbase you say? it is odd dont you think that a game that sold a million copies in what 5 weeks? is i believe number 5 in the steam sales of this year should at this time of day (prime evening time EU and day for the US) just be sitting at 5k in game , left for dead 2 for example has over double that and its 9 years old!
im not playing V2 anymore and im clearly not alone, adding a mode i could enjoy would add at least one person back in.

No, it would be inforced in the mode you’ve suggested, no ifs about it.

Unfitting analogy as it overvalues your own needs and undervalues the present alternatives grossly. A more fitting analogy would be to ask the restaurant your favourite dish, they tell you it’s not on the menu but tell you something that is not the same, but like the one you wanted. You have the option to order that and get something close to it out of your own accords, or ask them to give you what you want and tell them you won’t come back anymore if they don’t change their menug. Fair enough I guess, but you could easily achieve what you want with what is already there. If you don’t want to put in the needed initiative and action, so be it.

Which is true, but it is something to be factored into all decisions: how high is the potential of abuse, how likely are ill-effects and how gravely do these unwanted effects impact the players? E.g. the kick-vote system: Is it abuseable? Yes. Is it a grave effect to be kicked from the game? Depends, but if it is near the end, you could say that. Do the risks of abuse outweigh the inteded use’s benefits? Probably not. Basic (behavioural) economics.

Your mode would probably not attract many people, either, considering the small player base and that most people seem to be fine with how the game is right now.

[quote=“Padds, post:23, topic:25832”]
re you arguing they should stop balancing and content , that can be acomplished by mods [/quote]

Cheap strawman. The point stands that what you want to achieve is already in the game, you only want it to be “official” for whatever reason, I don’t know. I do think that a majority of suggestions like “harder” difficulty levels and such are indeed reserved for the modded realm (a point that has been, more or less, confirmed by FS, and I think this is rightfully so).

I don’t know if you’re implying that the dwindling player base is because of a lack of a “melee focused” mode, but if you do, that is quite an astonishing claim that I see little basis for. More likely is that FS has been rather… let’s say “daft” about certain things and that the game does get rather stale. The game needs more content, not different modes that further split the player base.


no i was mearly commenting on how amazingly well the game did/is doing sales wise but how surprisingly low the number of players are is a pretty clear indication that something is wrong. think they should change something who knows? , as it’s the sequel to a game most thought was melee focused as it was advertised as melee focused and as the devs in previous patch notes have said its supposed to be melee focused, i just feel that maybe just maybe it might not be a bad idea to have a mode that caters to people that want a melee focused experience.

i get it your rather heavily invested against the idea, and it wont matter how many times i explain you will counter by changing the argument and moving it away from any debate on the actual subject so i think me and you are about done here neither side has made any headway just feels like were doing loops now.

yeah but isnt it meant to ? :wink: i used to skip out on groups to but the signal to noise ratio is just so bad.

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Which the game perfectly is, as you have yourself stated: If you are having an easier time finishing missions going melee than going just ranged, then by your own words, the game is melee focused.

That is a pretty bold statement and frankly, I don’t take kindly to such accusations. Where did I change the argument or move it away from the subject? By countering your points, which you seem to change every other post? Do you really want me to go all out and quote all of your contradictions? Then please don’t throw out unwarranted accusations just because I am providing quite logical counter-points to your claim that this game isn’t melee focused and could benefit from some supposed mode that essentially just seems to cater to your wants and needs. The game is melee focused as it is, you have yet to provide any kind of solid proof about the supposed “ranged meta” and by your own words, the game is easier when going melee than when going all ranged. I’m starting to get the feeling you yourself hardly seem to know what you actually want.


Anything to seperate me from the 15k damage ranged noobs.

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pffffftttt… Only 15k?


You guys do understand you can just run with friends and do this right? Or host your own game and when people join, you tell them that you’re doing melee only. Kick anyone who doesn’t want to.

Anyway, good luck getting this “game mode” from FS lol.


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