Maybe it’s just me, but in most of the maps it feels like the enemy spawn points are broken, it would seem that this should be a bad thing and you should yell fix it, however I played and I like the chaos that is going on, and if it’s really a breakdown, I wouldn’t want it to be fixed.
Regarding Havoc, level 40 took in the first week, but that’s not the point, after the release of the patch with the balance of enemy shooters their number on 40HL became x2 more and although it was painful, but it became more interesting again (if I’m not confused 12-16 was it) and then went again on Havoc and the number of shooters returned to the standard number, and it somehow even more discouraged the desire to go to it.
Speaking of rewards, again. Who has nafarmed how much from it, are there still problems with lack of resources? WHEN YOU GO TO 40HL! Again in my opinion, the reward in the form of standard currency for the ‘hardest difficulty’ looks like a spit in the face. But something my point of view, with whom I discussed, few people shared, for most it is a good award, which allows you to pump the lack of skill weapons…Perhaps I’ll keep silent and hint that I have nowhere to spend resources, and gold for several months (since the release of the kraft patch) does not increase (25kk). Eh would make a room personal, which must be bought and decoration and equipment it costs a lot of resources, well, we still seem to have become not a creature trembling, but an opinion having, after all, the Inquisitor said well done, dreams dreams dreams.
The Super FOMO system, as I understand it is commercially advantageous, but you know when it’s advantageous? When you see something you’ve been working on, where you really see the thing and realise yes, I will not only support the developers but also get a cool/beautiful thing. In 90% of what I see in rotations, causes only 1 emotion - let’s see what’s in the next one.
I won’t compare it to other games, and I want to compare it to one, but I’d rather spend a month working on 4 unique and cool costumes than every 2 weeks releasing a re-skin of an ugly item that came out a long time ago.
I want to support the developers, but I want to see and choose what I like from the full list, but because of this stupid system there is no desire. There’s a pretty cool saber in rotation right now (page 3 of psyker), but you know, made a willful decision that I won’t buy anything as long as there’s this cheesy system. Profits can be made not only by playing on players’ feelings about missing out, but simply enough by doing quality things that players will enjoy and thank you for with money.
This is just a small part of what I want to talk about and what questions to ask the Sharks, but alas the outcome is my guess