Positive Post

So ill be that guy I guess.

I really enjoy the game. I have my veteran at level 30 and have three orange tier weapons so far 2 las rifles and a chain sword( got one las an end of match reward which was dope ) and Ive gotten all that while working 50 hours a week, with a 15 month old baby and wife at home, all of which take priority over gaming. I play for maybe 2 hours a day if im lucky ( roughly 3 missions ), on the weekend that goes up to 8 hours between saturday and sunday.

I personally dont understand where all these people complaining about the grind are coming from, sorry you cant get end game gear within the first week of the game being out? And as far as weapon upgrading mats go Ive found enough so far to bring one las from blue to orange and a second las from grey to purple ( working on getting it to orange right now )

As far as the cash shop that seems to have triggered a lot of people, simply dont use it? Its purely cosmetic and has all of zero affect on your gameplay. Plus the cash shop skins look like trash right now anyway. So as PREDATORY as people make it out to be, it cant hurt you if you dont use it.

I love the maps, I think the three hourglass maps are probably my favorite, followed up by that throne one however there isnt a map I dislike.

I do have issues with the optimization of the game which seems to get worse the longer i have the game opened. I get between 40 and 60 frames on medium which isnt ideal considering ive got an rtx 3060 but oh well, complaining over and over again on a forum wont speed up the process and there are plenty of posts about that topic anyways. I would like to see FS get it sorted out sooner than later as it may push some players away from the game.

The fact that the game looks and sounds as good as it does, has such a good variety of maps and weapons all on day 1 for half the price of other AAA games makes me very happy for the games future.

Is it perfect? No, but I dont actually care.

Could things be tweaked and fixed? Yes ( im looking at you helbore las ) * shakes fist *

Overall I think that Fatshark did an awesome job and Im very excited for the future of this game, and if they add a Death Korps of Krieg cosmetic outfit I will give them all my money.

Good boy, now pls buy items from the ingame shop