A bit of versus feedback after playing up to blue rank

It’s been quite some time since I last posted anything. For those that remember, I’m probably more known for my negativity. So, to push back against that I’ll start with the good stuff.

Versus really surprised me how well balanced it is, despite all the claims to the opposite I tend to hear in game.
I was expecting a completely unbalanced mess but it’s arguable better balanced than Adventure and Chaos Wastes, DLC chars are far from op here and in case of WP and GK 2nd worst and worst char. (Note that this isn’t a big deal balance wise. They are tanky and you can play well with them, but you will never overcome that you are a no range char.)

It’s a Team game so a lot of the balance comes from the skill/teamplay of a team. Usually, people claim it’s unbalanced when they play completely uncoordinated or face an exceptionally coordinated team. The differences here are massive, if 2 gunners know they can wipe a downed teammate, and they actually do it (extraordinary rare), they will immediately deny a rev and skyrocket the Pactsworn (PS) chances to win. PS are all about capitalizing on an allies action, keeping people downed and wiping downed heroes.

On the heroes side the most efficient tactic is to stay exactly on top of each other and press W.
Staying very close will make all assassins (worst PS) near meaningless but most importantly block any hooks (best PS) from disrupting your team. Speed will leave most PS and Vermintides back in the dust, as well as reduce time to take any dmg.

In high Versus-lvl matches it’s not rare to see both teams reaching the end on most maps as the teamplay required to stop a good hero team, doing the above, is extremely hard. A game is usually won or lost due to one mistake/sick play by a hook (and I hope the hook wasn’t abusing its many powers to drop people through the floor).


First and most importantly: Team Balance
You simply have to balance along versus lvl when you create new lobbies. Catch the 8 players in a pool then assign them to create balanced teams. (or something alike this)
The balance of this game mode has a lot to do with experience (logged as versus lvl). So, this is the best way to make it balanced and enjoyable because the worst part of the game is stomping and getting stomped.

Teams of Unequal Size:
A similar issue is happening when teams are unbalanced due to player count. Let’s right jump to the extreme: A 1 PS vs 4 heroes is completely unbeatable (not counting me dispatching a full green team as a hook at the exactly right spot), PS need to stack on top of each other. While this is an extreme example, and I don’t have THE solution, I suggest the following:
Make it so less players not only reduces respawn time (this should be further buffed a bit) and increases Vermintide-meter (buff this to the stratosphere on 1v4) but also increase the selection of rats available. I’d suggest letting a single rat choose from all options all the time.
It might also be worth taking a look at preventing the game start count down if the teams are unbalanced (this might backfire, really depends if it fills quickly).

I hinted before that I think this is the worst PS. Now that doesn’t mean he’s useless no-false but he’s easily dealt with and therefore usually the worse hook if you get to pick him.
TBH I think his biggest issue is that most people, myself included, cannot make full use of his skill set and therefore have to use him as a worse hook.
He lacks an aim cursor for his jump, this means he got an insane learning curve to use his actual ability and bonus dmg for long jumps. Most inexperienced assassin miss and die 9/10 times more experienced players use him as a throw away (because 2 choices) or short range to ensure they actually get the disable.
I really think an aim cursor would do a lot to boost him in the PS ranking and especially lower the skill ceiling of using him effectively.

Hook shenanigans:
You need to find a way to deal with some hook shenanigans: dropping people through the map needs to teleport them back up onto the map. We cannot have these instant kills, and I doubt you will be able to fix all the ways this can happen. I’d argue the checkpoints that give points upon passing/completing could be used for these respawns, so no downed person ends up on a roof voiding the entire idea.
And then there are the out of bound hooks. I kind of like them, they are not that different from hooking a low hp hero and dragging him over a cliff. They are also not instant kills but they reward/punish map experience.

People loading in mid game
On the hero side: Consider spawning people in at the last checkpoint (similar to the falling out of the map thing) even if they replace a downed bot (otherwise they are usually left far behind as the loading time can be immense).
On the PS side: Consider not setting a CD immediately for no reason?

That’s about it, I could go into more minor issues, but they are likely far more subjective, such as Merc and Handmaiden being very strong, nearly forcing PS to specifically target them to have a chance, as they tend to break the balance around reving teammates.

Feel free to ask my opinion on anything, dispute or clarify any of my points.


WP is literally S-tier.


Yeah, I’ve been informed that he’s a different beast in tournaments and premades.
I can clearly see why and have seen great WP myself but in my general qp experience his lack of range really shows.
I don’t judge the best and worst heroes as having a massive impact most of it comes from skill and experience in qps anyway.

It is like saying “i am flat earther” before science article. It is very hard to take srsly anything else.

It is not.
In CW and Adventure literally every class and weapon is viable. Even for the crappiest weapons you have atleast one single hero with single build that can work.
Something is stronger, something is harder. But everything is okay.
And dont even start this " everything is good in Versus. I played with my 3 discord red rank premades and we were playing full melee builds and smashing lvl 1-15 randoms "


True there are simply weapons that you shouldn’t pick in versus. A good example of this are on characters with shields, they mostly eclipse all other weapons on those careers.
I look at balance more on the larger scale: In adventure and CW most DLC characters are absolutely busted if you maximize them in comparison to maxed out non dlc characters.
I massively dislike this, for example GK removes an entire part of the gameplay by being able to basically instantly kill a monster. Similarly having horde mobs on Recruit and elites on Veteran while nerfing hero power makes these mobs far more imposing without giving them instant kills.
I think playing the versus difficulty (with a disabler every 5s) would be a very fun experience even in adventure.
And yeah, given everybody runs a good build in Versus the PS are rater balanced against that.
I believe they played with the idea to give Heros only selective loadouts to choose from, but I must say even with free choice it’s rather well done.
Since this is a side mode, I doubt you will ever get all weapons to be balanced to one another as just the many changes would be confusing, but they did do certain edit such as the standard fireball on Sienna’s staffs being buffed by about 250% I believe.

That’s kind of the same in Versus. If you are good, gimping yourself still works, it’s the exact same in adventure, just that horde and elites matter a bit more. Perhaps if horde and elite were buffed to Veteran/Champion in versus there would be more reason to take such weapons.

It is not the same.
UC and GK are just worthless. An they only can be carried by their teamates. Nothing more.

Meh… not exactly balanced, but not exactly unbalanced

Bro even in Solo Queue WP is OP, you just need 1 singular good teammate with a handgun and you basically are the main anchor of the team

You can RES people by pressing F, and HEAL people and yourself by just existing

Just add AI Specials on top of the existing features to help unequal teams (from 1 to 3 depending the amount of missing players)

And also add talents to the hero bots (all classes), for some reason they have nothing (no thp generation for them)

This wouldn’t do anything really, in fact it would only obstruct experienced players (Maybe a toggle?)

Assassin is not really in a bad place, he’s one of the specials that if played properly, you can’t prevent getting grabbed by him (This requires people to stop ALWAYS jumping into the high air like if they were an eagle, it’s easy to airshot them)

Only buff I could really think for him is to replace knockback for close teammates after a grab to a small stun so heroes are encouraged to split a little (otherwise get stunned if the teammate right next to him gets grabbed by an assassin)

Fatshark already stated doing these is not allowed, so expect to either have these fixed or people banned for doing it

Fatshark already stated that these are allowed (They don’t like it, but they’re allowed and you’ll never get in trouble for doing these)

No. People should spawn exactly where the bot were, in the same state as the bot was

If getting bots killed/downed is too easy, then add preset loadouts for them (weapons and talents) as I said before

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You got a point right there I’d argue something similar and I clearly forgot about UC when I made my top of the head ranking based on dlc not being op here.
But still it’s just ultra gimping when it comes down to it. I’ve seen both played well, so I can’t really argue they are not viable. They are clearly not balanced for this mode, and in case of GK any mode.

I can easily argue they’re NOT viable at all

Your point about balance:
Mine was about balance overall between heroes and PS, I didn’t touch on inter career balance aside from a few snarky personal remarks.

Good ideas, ai specials could bring in the necessary balance too. Bots should come with some form of loadout. I was unaware that they were completely barebones. They tend to suck and I might actually lean more in the direction of removing them just like there are no AI specials currently.

I don’t think it would be a big annoyance but sure a toggle is great.
Interesting point about perma jumping, I never do that thing, but I’ll remember next time I see somebody as an assassin.
The stun or just greater knockback would be a neat idea, as a really tight stack of players is what’s really hard to deal with as PS. (if they got aim)

This is not about the bots themselves it’s about the loading time. If the bot would only leave the exact moment another player joins that would clear the entire issue as well.
What happens is the following: Somebody joins, now you either camp here for 20-60s or you move on. Worst case nobody even noticed, and you are at a place where speed is of the essence, or you cannot get back there.


In your ranking you have Slayer in the same tier with GK. It is insanity

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Mate, what are you talking about? The Tier list is from somebody else.
It seems like I’m rater wrong with WP when it comes to public opinion, but to my knowledge he’s still food for a hook-rat (as he can barely deal with that).

Quote bug. I want to answer Vror)


It is not balanced at all. It is impossible to do anything about really good heroes. Tournament showed that pretty damn good.
And if players are bad then heroes have no chance.

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Interesting just like a high versus-lvl qp then (all blue or above). I didn’t attribute that down to specific heroes (blues don’t usually pick the worse ones) but yeah you usually can’t stop them that is why in general, I’d say heroes got the edge. Trust me I’ve played this even with the nastiest attempts both sides could not stop the other group.
Any idea what the tournament was called?

But as soon as you drop the experience and skill a bit (casual) then it easily swings in both directions again.

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Vs Tourney. Matches:


The main problem with the bots isnt that they lack talents, its their ai. They will barely do anything against specials, not block gunner fire with shields, stand in gas, not agressivly attack incoming specials.

The skaven players essentially get free kills in every round where the ubersreik have bots.

Players who spawn in as dead or with barely any hp and a mile away from their team will almost certainly just leave. People dont play versus just to spawn in dead or in unfair matchups.


And dont forget that unlike in campaign bots in versus will stay 10 miles behind you. I dont kow why it was changed for versus

And join system is the worst you can imagine.


Yes, I’m aware of this

Issue is simple however, you can’t fix this, but you can make them better by giving them talents (And also maybe dmg resistance against gas just like bots have damage resistance against spitter acid in L4D2)

The joining in unfair matches could be simply fixed by adding the vote to restart a round just like in… you guessed, L4D2 as well

I dont like whole system that bot just dissapears for 30 seconds. It is just awful.