A bit of versus feedback after playing up to blue rank

But you can fix it. Adventure mode have players who join, spawn close to the team and don’t make the bot disappear for a minute until the player have spawned in. chaos wastes does it even better by spawning you alive, even if the bot is dead.

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I’d argue that the assassin needs a simple buff to its damage, applied gradually as it keeps stabbing and stabbing. It should maintain its instant damage, then start dealing its current damage, but increase rapidly, following the same logic that the globe gas does. The problem is that the assassin is simply not punishing enough for the hero team. Even if someone gets stabbed for many seconds, they are likely going to be more or less fine. As OP stated, it is right now just a worse hookrat, since the assassin has to stay in one place, while the hooker can stay mobile while dealing about the same damage, and disorient the hero team by dragging away one of them.

Flame rat also needs a buff. In all but very niche cases, when pushing people around is what you need, it is inferior to the ratling in every way. It deals 36 damage with a burst, doesn’t aimpunch, needs to be close, gets staggered easily. I don’t think increasing its damage would be a good idea, but it needs some stagger resistance and aim punch.

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I’ve just joined a 4v0 match (picks), I think saying this needs an overhaul is an understatement.