Versus has many of the same issues as with the beta

Heroes can rush from objective to objective unhindered. Even still, unique builds and several careers are sidelined by their lack of utility in versus mode. A good team of heroes can be unstoppable with special snipers and tanks ready to revive immediately. Thankfully, the Soulstealer and Briarwood Staff have been nerfed.

For anyone who’s played this game for a long time, like I have, playing on the hero side means that enemies on Recruit difficulty pose no challenge. The whole team can push together and win easily, as the Skaven specials can’t slow us down. The hordes don’t distract or keep us too busy to stop sniping specials and rushing objectives as a team. Assassin got a teammate? Taken down immediately. Hook got someone? An AOE shout or a charge ability handles it. A teammate goes down? Infinite revives. You can do way more damage to the enemy team as Skaven than they can do to you when they play as Skaven, and yet they can still win. The only time it’s moderately challenging is when the hordes ramp up, but they don’t last long enough, there aren’t enough elites and they die so quickly, most of the game the heroes can simply take out specials the moment they see them. Hordes should be thicker and more frequent.

The infinite revives for heroes need to go. Bring back weapon properties, power, and traits from Legend, and set the difficulty of hordes and elites to Legend level. This would make experimenting with builds as heroes more fun, as they’d actually have to consider hordes and elites. Currently, they pose no threat, so it’s all about special sniping, team tanking/reviving, or both. Just give the foot knight a blunderbuss, and he’ll one-shot most specials.

As for the Skaven, hooks can pull people off ledges, making them the most powerful Skaven by far. Has gas damage and duration been reduced, seems weak? Gun and fire rats are squishy and low on ammo. The Skaven are more fun to play, but against a decent hero team, you’re just seeing the revive screen over and over, or gassing heroes from a safe position with little effect because the hordes and elites aren’t enough to keep heroes from simply moving forward.

The ranking system doesn’t match you with balanced opponents. You might go up against brand-new players with a team of friends and Twitch streamers, or vice versa, you could be with a team of new players against opponents with 2000+ hours. There should be a rank based on win/loss. I don’t care if the rank is competitive or even visible, but a more level playing field would be preferable.

Today, every game I played except one was so incredibly imbalanced that one side completely obliterated the other.