II. More complex important fixes:
Show talent and passives stats like ammo bonus value, Slayer power buff value and such. Also knowing actives cooldowns would be nice. (Vermintide is like a session based MMO with a shooter/slasher gameplay, and stats mean a lot in MMOs (and games in general). The closest game to Vermintide would be Payday 2, and they have all the stats open there. They didn’t have them at the start, but they quickly realized they need them. Same thing happened to TES Online. Why? Because players actively demanded them, because these are not some casual games – they’re difficult and require very precise gear optimization. Also there is zero reason to hide any stats.)
Links: 1, 2, 3, 4. -
Add character stats: crit chance, HP, damage reduction, movespeed bonus, attack speed bonus, power bonus (percentage or flat - doesn’t matter). (same as previous.)
Links: 1, 2, 3, 4. -
Add enemies’ stats: via wiki, as they did with payday 2, or some pdf file or ingame encyclopedia. (same as previous.)
Links: 1. -
Make it so charged attacks would not slow down regular attacks. (Right now if you make a regular attack after a charged attack with most weapons, you get a rather high delay on it. I think it happens because weapons (most of them) have a swing delay after a charged attack. This delay is sort of a hack. With it while a time between charged attacks is set to one value, the first charged attack is made a little bit faster. This allows a player potentially outspeed an enemy attack when charging his weapon. This hack also makes charged attack-block combo slower (which is a good thing). The problem is that this delay also works for regular attacks, and it shouldn’t be applied to them in any way, because this delay makes a charged attack-light attack combo horrible on most weapons. Why is this bad? Firstly, it makes combat more primitive, since the most effective way of fighting becomes regular or charged spam, without making sick combos or adapting strikes to current situation. Secondly, lots of weapons have a reactionary charged attack which is bad for spamming. With these weapons when engaging an enemy you want to make one charged attack them and then switch to your light attack, until you get a chance to charge again. But because of the delay, charging an attack actually puts you into disadvantageous postion, because you’re left exposed for so much time, your next regular attack becomes almost as slow as a charged attack and your dps might even drop down. So with most weapons you only use regular attacks, using charged for armored targets only.
Btw there is also a reverse effect that also needs fixing: a charged attack usually takes less time after a regular attack. But this effect doesn’t compensate for the problem, because: a) you want to charge attacks during openings, hitting with regular attacks for the rest of the time, so a charged to regular delay is more important than the opposite b) speedup doesn’t matter, slowdown does, since it brings a window where you become vulnerable, because enemies aren’t getting hit and staggered. But yeah, for most weapons Normal Attack -> Charged Attack -> Block is currently a viable combo.
Affected weapons: 1h axe, 2h sword, halberd, Kerillian 1h sword, sword and dagger, spear, Sienna mace, rapier. Possibly affected: Executioner sword (weird pattern, hard to test.), two swords, fire sword, falchion (hard to tell because of charged attack animation) and 1h sword and mace/1h hammer (too fast to be sure). Kruber Longbow is also affected by this problem. Oddly enough, Great Axe does not have this problem and 2h hammer seems to have the reverse problem - after the first light attack charged attack is slowed a bit. PS I could test the weapons that I am unsure about, but that would require a decent amount of time analyzing hit sounds.)
Links: no links. -
Make Sienna vent 50% overcharge when getting downed. Or even 100%. (First of all this would fix a “cool” “feature”, that happens when Sienna gets downed by damage, as soon she hits max overcharge. When she gets revived, she instantly explodes due to overcharge. This is mostly Unchained problem, since you can easily get max overcharge and lose your remaining HP with one charged hit from an elite. Not only that, but Sienna with full or near full overcharge is much weaker as a combat unit. And most of the time when you fall down and get helped you’re needed by your team. So other characters can help their team right away when revived, but Sienna has a very big problem with that.)
Links: 1. -
Make weapon switching, charged attacks, push and push attacks more reliable. (Weapon switching feels much better since 1.05, but it is still not reliable for staffs, zoomed/reloading crossbows, and Kruber’s bow. Now for other stuff. As far as I understand the push problem comes from the fact, that right click does not register until the animation of the left click is finished. So if you press right click and keep pressing left click, you’re going to keep doing regular attacks, not push or staff charged attacks. And it seems to be true not only for attack animation. When being staggered regular attack button seem to have higher priority than charged attack button. So if you press RMB and LMB while being staggered, you’re will make a regular attack when it wears off, not a push.
There are also instances, charged attacks refuse to work for no reason. This might be connected to fps drops, but even that doesn’t fully explain the problem. Same is true for weapon switching, even though it is much more responsive now.)
And push attacks simply do not work from time to time. Actually very often, up to 20%-25% of the time in real combat.
Links: 1, 2, 3, 4. -
Hits taken from mobs should not interrupt weapon switching. (They might delay, but not completely cancel the switching action. A character should continue switching weapons after a stagger, unless it was a long stagger like Stormvermin push, chaos warrior charged hit or boss toss. Otherwise often times when you get caught by a crowd, it becomes impossible to switch to your melee weapon, and you die because you can’t block.)
Links: no links. -
Fix mobs face-spawning, at least for PC, which is not going to receive performance issues because of an extra dozen of rats. (There is a map where you can instantly get affected by “face spawning” - Against the Grain. You see how the field gets instantly swarmed with enemies the second you drop down the fence. And this is bad. Firstly, it ruins immersion so much. And secondly, it makes the game “unfairly” difficult, because it throws a threat right in your face, with you barely having a chance to react. It is especially “fun”, when patrols or waves spawn this way. I understand, that this system is meant to save resources, and I understand, that it works by just spawning mobs when a group passes some control points. Control points are usually located at the points of no return. However, what needs to be done, is the addition of additional control points on some of the maps, most noticeably on Against the Grain and Fort Brachsenbrucke. Festering Grounds, Screaming Bell and Into the Nest also need some control point tweaking. And most of the maps need tuning for mob spawn points, especially specials spawn points.)
Links: 1 and all the links from the next paragraph. -
Improved in 1.0.7, Worsened in 1.1. Fix patrols. (Face-spawning patrols is a very big issue. But stuck patrols might even be a bigger issue, especially on Convocation of Decay and Hunger in the Dark. Other maps also have narrow spots, where it is really tough to deal with a patrol. Righteous Stand also deserves a special mention, because there is a spot there after the lift, where patrols literally drop on your head.
Stealth patrols are also very “fun”. Not only the silent stuck ones, which wait for you behind the corner, but also those, that march at you in complete silence. Sound also needs to be fixed.)
Links: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. -
Being worked on. Make all talents, passives, item traits work. (The most important thing, invisibility, has been fixed, as well as some other stuff, but there is still plenty of talents that do not work. I tried creating a complete list of broken things, but I might be missing a few things still.)
Links: whole bugs section. -
Fixed? Fix the game freeze when switching characters. (Many times while playing the game you end up with a group of people you’re comfortable playing with right now. Then you switch a character, you get this bug and you have to leave the party. And you have to start gathering up a decent group from the start. Of course you could try adding some of them as friends, but that’s a hinder, such a thing usually becomes a catalyst for a party to fall apart and it also makes you scared of character switching, which is no fun.)
Links: 1. -
Buff incendiary bombs. There are different ways of doing it. a) Increase incendiary bombs fire damage. I can’t suggest exact numbers, because I lack data on mobs’ HP, but the damage should be 50%-100% that of a barrel to make these grenades effective. b) Alternatively, burn damage (damage that mobs take when set on fire) could be increased up to a decent value, but less than fire damage (damage taken when standing in fire). This way enemies would take longer to die (compared to the 1st option), but this would make incendiary grenades stand out, cause this would result in a unique gameplay: throwing a bomb and kiting enemies till they die. c) Another option would be to make burning enemies more prone to other sources of damage. That’s another elegant way of making these bombs useful. I prefer options b and c better. (Right now incendiary bombs are almost useless. They’re usable only for clearing waves, and even then they can clear one subwave at best. At best, because they’re only somewhat effective in tight spaces. In open spaces enemies just walk around the fire, barely touching it. And even if they catch on fire, the fire is so “strong”, it can’t kill even pink slave rats, only paint them black. Incendiary bombs need a buff, so they can at least be useful against regular enemies, for example at least help clear shieldbearers from a chaos patrol. Alternatively they could serve as a source of group buff.)
Links: 1, 2. -
Restrain kicked players from joining back into the lobby. (Firstly, this joining-kicking process usually takes a lot of time, as kicked players usually get straight to the lobby they’ve been kicked from. And not only the kickers don’t wanna play with the player in question, but the kicked player usually doesn’t want to get into the lobby they’ve been kicked from. Secondly, people might purposely join your game and start griefing, because they feel aggrieved. The latter thing happened to me only once, but the potential problem is very huge, since it is really easy to get back into the game you’ve been kicked from via lobby search.)
Links: 1, 2.