I agree with almoust everything. The only thing i don’t like, is the idear to make shields of Stormvermin breakable.
I think enemies with shields in generall need a few changes.
There is no reason to implement new enemy types, if you fight them the same way as all the already existing ones.
Right now you just smash their shield until it either breaks or the enemy gets staggered. Thats just boring in my opinion. Stormvermins are at least a little bit diffenrent, because you can score a hit from behind.
Making their shields breakable wouldn’t make any difference.
I think there are some other easy solutions, to make fighting them more interresting.
- Reduce their generall block angle.
- Reduce their block angle even futher when they are attacking. They should only be able to block attacks during their attack sequenz, if they come direclty from the front.
How would these changes improve fighting these enemys?
It would be easier to assist other players. You wouldn’t need to get directly behind the stormvermin (what is often impossible) to help them. Additionaly if you are able to realize, that an ally is under attack by a shieldvermin, you could take advantage of that and get some easy hits in on them. this would reward good awareness of the sorounding or good communication. Futhermore in situations where you have to face them alone, you could try to dodge their strikes to the side and get an attack in.
In my opinion this would make fighting them much more interresting and a bit unique.