6 hours without a single sword on the veteran store

6 hours I’ve been looking for a sword, 6 store refreshes looking for ANY sword and not ONE has spawned.

This system needs to change, and it needs to change ASAP.

Darktide is quickly becoming Waittide, waiting for missions, waiting for items, waiting waiting waiting.


It sucks that there’s nothing you can do, but wait in this game.

You could try playing the game, maybe at higher difficulty to get better gear drops, like how every other game works. . . but in this game, nope. . . you wait. : /

Who mandated this? Surely Fat Shark is better than this. : (


I too would like to see this changed. Very frustrating. Hopefully it will get looked at.

yeah I’m hoping their will be a way to pay re-roll missions and stuff like you can for the weekly challenges or something because it can be a little bit boring waiting for stuff but we will see.

The worst part about this is, 6 hours is nothing lol.

I go days without seeing a force sword on my psyker. I have never seen deflector.