So I’ve been trying to get the force sword with deflector and I haven’t even seen the deflector blessing in my game.
I’ve crafted 26 force swords up to blue and 4 up to orange. Not a single one of them had the deflector blessing. I’m so fuc king angry about this. 400 f ucking hours and I haven’t even been able to play the game with a style that relies on that f ucking blessing.
Omfg fatshark, this is f ucking unreal. 400 hours! I just can’t fuc king believe this. This system is absolutely, 100% f ucked.
I now loathe this f ucking game. Fuc k you for wasting 400 hours of my Fu cking life.
I seriously feel like I’ve been wronged. I just can’t believe this sh it.
You guys owe me a perfect force sword with level 4 deflector and perfect perks. I’m not playing another minute of this fuc king game until I get it (e.g. I’m Fu cking done).
As has been demonstrated in posts earlier, the RNG in this game is worse than euromillions lottery levels. Like so many things with this game, they have chosen to design the worst possible system imaginable.
That’s what RNG and statistics is. It’s not average for each player, only average across the playerbase. Which is how you might see Deflector all the times, I have seen it 3 times in 300 hours, and this guy has never seen it. That’s what lottery levels of RNG does to a game.
Imagine if we could trade items between players - you know like any decent ARPG or MMO. Just imagine that.
I’m sitting on about 5 deflector force swords, and I’ve easily passed on another few in the shop when the stats were super bad (but probably should’ve bought to extract the blessings - oh well). I would gladly by more and trade them if that was possible.
That said, it’s ridiculous how variable this for people. There is NO reason for it. I’m sorry.
The expression of my rage is not only my right, but also lets other people experiencing the same emotions as me–elicited by this game–know there are others out there like them.
Looking stupid is better than actually being stupid, stunningcunt.
well i to have been looking for one ever since that web based shop viewer came out i have checked around 90% of the hours i have been awake for (must be 10 refreshes a day), highest rated force sword ive seen is 336 (i buy them to try upgrades later) and not a single one has spawned with deflector.
This has to be partly that this game is appealing to people that are fans of both RPGs and FPS games because the RNG is frankly middle of the road. I play a lot of solo self found Path of Exile and you could probably go 1000s of hours and never see an item you might want. It’s so extreme that you focus your build around the likelihood that you will probably not see items that could be useful to you in an entire season.
Obviously that kind of game play is not for everyone, but the idea that Darktide has some exceptional level of extreme RNG doesn’t seem reasonable.
It absolutely does. The probability that you get exactly what you want is less than 6*10^-5. That is an upper bound, and a rather generous one at that.
i’d guess there are factors for weapaons and having autogubs, axes and swords flooding the shop.
What about giving the wepaons you use a factor that increase the chance to see them in the shop.
Like every mission you do with weapon X gives you a small chance to find that weapon in the shop?!
Playing with that weapon exclusicvely woild give you a max of +25% to find that weapon in the shop next time. And this lasts for like 1 week or so and then resets or when you use another weapon.
This way you can play weapon x for a week and everytime you check the shop in that week the chance to find a good weapon of that type is increased by 25% or even 50%.
Fatshark made some positive noises before the launch that they hear us about the dislike of RNG. They delivered a step forward from V2, but far from an ideal system.
I bet FS’s game designers “think” RNG increases their game longevity. They could attempt to make different blessings / perks equally as atttractive, but then that would require more work.
On the personal front tho…anger filled posts on the forums won’t change anything. I strongly suggest to focus on the enjoyment of those game systems which actually work in Darktide, like the combat in principle. Ignore everything else. If whatever you want drops, it drops. Stop obssessing about it, as this isn’t a good look.
It’s good, but it’s not good enough to carry the entire game. While VT2 (and every other game I like) is still around as a competitive choice for my attention, I don’t see myself coming back to darktide without a lot changing. I don’t agree with the level of emotion most of the other disenchanted players are expressing but I’m not giving Fatshark any benefit of the doubt anymore.