5 shillings instead of emperors chest for daily quest?

I actually plan on writing a post on feedback subforum about this. While I’m personally grateful that we’re getting the ability to get daily progress on shillings, and do prefer the 5 shillings to the emperor chest, I think this is crippling for new players, who really do benefit from getting such a high quality chest every day to help boost them. And, idk, I’ve flat out gotten red items from the daily quest emperor chest, that was nice, too.

I think it’s better if it gave both. 5 shillings AND an emperor chest. It’d help both, and there’s no reason not to. The players who are chasing shillings most likely don’t need emperor chests, and the players who don’t play legend or who just started the game want that chest, but don’t need the shillings.
It’s probably some sort of limitation in how they programmed quests, and it needs to be overcome. All quests and challenges have, so far, only given 1 reward. That’s not a coincidence, that’s most likely a limitation. And I think the game would benefit from them coding in the baseline for quests and challenges rewarding more than one item. And the first step should be… 5 shillings and an emperor champion chest from daily quests.