12 doggos + 3 ogryns to fight during a hord in Level 3 Difficulty isn't a good idea

Yeah, we got 3 packs of 4 doggos in a same time during a hord, when 3 ogryns spawned in. We all died killed by the doggos, we couldn’t do anything. And I’ve see hords of doggos like this 3 or 4 times today.

As in Vermintide 1&2, assassins and packmasters weren’t spawned in a consequential mass enough to give the players of forced loss, so I must think it’s just a bug. Because if it’s a planned feature, those we can’t do anything against is a terrible idea. It only generates frustration and a feeling of unpowerfulness.

Were you playing the map with “hunting grounds” modifier by any chance?
Because that amount of dogs sounds a lot like the hunting grounds modifier.

Or maybe the change regarding dog spawns in hunting grounds has bugged something for regular missions.
Who knows.

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