Suggestion: Gold to red dust conversion

Math (more precisely, probability) also dictates that even if a situation is unlikely, it will eventually happen given enough chances. There is only 1-in-52 chance of drawing a particular card from a deck, yet one of those happens every tie we do choose a card. Similarly, if my memory is correct and the Property probabilities work as they do in VT1, there are 20 distinct values for each Property, which means that (disregarding the actual Properties, and if again my calculations are right) getting perfect rolls has a probability of 1/400. That’s not amazingly unlikely, and even adding getting the exact Properties you want (on Melee weapon) drops this to 1/22400. I don’t find that even near “virtually impossible”, and this gets tweaked back a bit as often enough, there are couple of possible Properties, a few Properties (Stamina and Movement Speed) have far less variance in their value range, and for breakpoints you very rarely need all full values anyway (iirc, there are maybe one or two breakpoints that need that and the interaction bonus from the different Properties). That means that while the chance is annoyingly low, in practice it will only take time and material to get there, and many people (if not most) will end up having at least one or two Perfect Exotics.

I agree that there should be some bad luck protection in, as being in the lousy end of Bell curve sucks and can result in enough frustration to (at least temporarily) quitting the game. For a long time, I was there for reds too, and with nearly 1k hours in the game, I’ve nowhere near a full set of reds, crafted or found. It has recently started catching up, though. And that’s another point: The longer you play, the lower the chance you stay there in the low end gets, and the less people it affects. It doesn’t mean that there shouldn’t be anything to mitigate that, but it doesn’t need to be a strong effect.

There’s also another thing that people seem to have ignored. Long-time players have a lot of Gold Dust accumulated; for me, it’s ~950 pieces. With your suggestion, I’d be able to craft 38 Bright Dust immediately, translating to 7 Reds. So I’d say that’d make them too easy to receive. Even those who have less time in time in, as long as they’re in a point where they’re actually collecting Veteran items, likely have at least some dust saved up. This also would reduce the value of Exotic items, as what point would there be to reroll any of them, even before you got your first Veteran ones?

I think you have good intentions, and the point you raise is a valid one, but the approach is wrong. I think that the value of Exotic items is already too small (as Veteran items are only glorified Exotics, sometimes with glowy bits); this would reduce it even more. I also wish we had an actual resource sink in the long term - this isn’t it. Enhancements to the crafting system would be one thing to strive for, but that’d also run the high possibility of reducing the value gap between Veteran and Exotic items. Bad luck protection in the rolling (particularly of loot quality) would reduce the frustration of getting bad rolls, and would eventually net at least some Veteran items (of course, as long as you get the chests where they actually can drop). Bot oversaturating everyone’s everyone’s inventory with Veteran items and devaluing rerolling anything else isn’t good.