Zealots have received significant nerfs in this update

We get it, you are a zealot hater and have suffered under the knife zealots that wanted to get their penance done.

Also again ,learn to read , I am not going to bother explaining how futile is to kill 5 crushers with a Heavy sword or a Katachan sword in a mixed horde.
As for saying toughness talents ,every class has a lot of those as well.

It comes to mind how Ogryn easily can regen toughness with heavy hits or how Psyker can take no damage, because their toughness never gets broken.
Or Veteran with their tougness damage reduction ,regen and so on ,which also extends to the players in coherency with the right talent.

Melee designed class has a little more than other classes ,so if they get hit in melee combat ,they won’t fall as easy as the others.

Crazy huh?


Yea-yea, a zealot hater.
2024-06-26 11_18_20
This melee class can easily survive the most dangerous attack in the game and doesn’t suffer from ogryn’s low mobility.


I wonder with nerfs like these why was it done,

We’ve had FotF giving ranged rending for 2 years but now is when they change it?
Why? Was it over performing or is this in anticipation for the crafting and blessing rework?
If it is why was it done now, if it’s not how come it took 2 years for it be changed?

Also stuff like IoD being per attack instead of each enemy hit, the builds benefiting from it’s spam aren’t even that strong since you need to run blazing piety instead of momentum or martyrdom, the exception are the builds specifically made to spam chorus, but then again vet can spam VoC by just killing specials, so I wonder why this was changed too.

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D Claw is a fine weapon overall, but it’s definitely not competing for anywhere near top spot amongst Zealot weapons. Crit template was a fun way to run it that played really well to its strengths and rewarded its unusual niche of being a relatively high cleave finesse weapon.

It definitely hurts to see a fun way to run it hugely downgraded while knife walks away fairly unscathed. It’s just nowhere near what I would have called a top Zealot build so I don’t love seeing it get collateraled by a (stealth no less) poorly targeted nerf to this talent.

Having a balanced build is a smart move. Otherwise you have to deal with lower dps vs specific enemies. I really don’t think “poor zealot” or “what about x class doing/abusing blah” is adding to any arguments.

I have to say patch days always deliver some extra entertainment, of the “you ruined veteran”, “you nerfed ogryn into the ground”, “you broke psyker, I quit” variety.

I love it when people use the meatgrinder as a “look at how great this is” benchmark, when its in a complete vacuum.


If I am not using melee weapons that can deal with crushers ,I have to default to 2 weapons on Zealot.
Before the patch ,that wasn’t the case.

Also ,thanks for confirming you are just a troll seeking to upset people.

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Hardly, we just had so many “doom-sayers” professing the end of Darktide that this is just funny how predicable this is. A nerf happens, multiple angry threads show up. Every patch someone is upset about some changes, meanwhile we all continue playing the game, adapting if we must and continue killing crushers.

FotF ranged weapon interaction was a bug, and had to go. I must have almost 500 lvls on zealot and I never willingly abused that interaction. Somehow we survived the mini- carapace patrols. Crit evi is still fine, Shred based DC builds are also fine, even if you will no longer be able to constantly get that 20% attack speed buff and other FotF bonuses.

Invocation of Death ability to instantly refund the cooldown was also unintended and against the principle of having the cooldown in the first place. I’m only surprised its general ability to reset the ability cooldown without any limitations hasn’t been taken away also.


12 seconds to kill a single enemy in a crowd is horrendous ttk.

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“significant nerfs”

The nerfs in question:

These nerfs aren’t even that bad, Invocation is still totally usable and punishment was already bad in the first place.


IoD was ridiculously OP and some things relied on it so much that it was unhealthy for the game. For example, I won’t even bother trying to do Perfect Strike Evis anymore as it is completely pointless now. We could also milk it for ridiculous toughness from FotF. It was the right thing to do. What hurts Zealot the most is the Ranged Rending nerf by miles and miles IMO. You either run Bolter for the rest of your life or hope that your team knows how to kill Crushers because meleeing them takes a lot of time. I have never trusted pubs to kill Crushers for me and I never will.

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Yeah to me a ‘rebalance’ would mean more than just a ton of nerfs and the information that more rebalance is coming later. Would it not have been impossible to simply flip the 3 seconds of range rending where carapace was flak and flak unarmored to apply to your melee weapon instead? Its gonna be a monotonous melee experience if you enjoyed non heavy ranged as Zealot before. Just chain, axes and blunt weapons. Kantrael with Heavy Sword 6 was probably my most played set at this point…with momentum keystone.


In short, Please revert nerfs as they are fog doodoo and limit the option of having various play styles due to a few vocal minority.

At least now the weapons that benefited the most from IoD multi-crit cooldown reduction or armor downgrade of FotF can be individually buffed without becoming the Ultimate Threat Deleter 9000.


:joy:Funny as fk.

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I agree these talks are always amusing.


Look whatever if people dislike it and want it to go, well I disagree, but I certainly understand why.

A bug though? It was literally directly referenced in the flamer nerf patch as something they were choosing to keep around.

Can’t really blame anyone for feeling rug pulled by them suddenly removing it two years down the line after their previous communications on it.

You have a point here, and it is an important point.
I have started to play with chainsword. This means that I will test a lot of combinations of this weapon (yes it fits the gameplay I want at the moment, something fast, but I need changes from the dagger).
I did a semi-critic template (so orientated critic but without fury).
I use Invocation of Death and I suspect that, before, it would have been stronger. Let’s say it, it is already very strong (tested 2 times in Auric high int and one with shock troop modifier, the result is excellent for the first time I use this weapon).
So, I am glad they modified it.
I can honestly see a change with the fix.

Maybe the problem is more the DC? honnestly I have not tried it since the patch… Maybe I will this evening, but must say that the build chainsword + boltpistol is very appealing, especially cause I also want to test it on veteran and so I need a lot of plasteel.

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No more beaming crushers at range and cooking whole clusters of elites with flamer? Sounds good to me. It also might up the game difficulty a notch (at least in some situations) and is frankly good for balance. You no longer can just press F to win / ignore armour.

People will get over it and get used to it. It’s not like the game is super hard anyway. The balancing cycle always looks the same. Nerfs always lead to someone getting upset because their favourite shortcut has been adjusted or removed. It’s game, nothing is written on the stone. Especially questionable and unintended interactions.

I assume you’ve accidentally reposted this from circa April 2023 because that hasn’t been a thing since then.