so far zealots chastise the wicked is broken and the first level 5 talent that restores toughness per socond doesnt work. doesnt seem like a playable class right now
What do you mean? Both Chastise the Wicked and the 1/3 talent you mentioned worked fine for me, care to elaborate?
chastise the wicked only restores half of toughness bar and the talent at level 5 does not restore toughness when i am near enemies. tested both of these through multiple levels
Yep, zealot toughness doesn’t seem to regenerate correctly
Can confirm that the first line of talents is broken and has no effect
Zealot also only gets half her thoughness on her charge
Can also confirm that the 5% recharge doesn’t work. Stood in the middle of a hoard and nothing. Glad to play a broken class. Wee.
yep seeing the same, wouldnt say the class is broken though still really enjoying it.
is it bug or feature that a ranged mob can pop your toughness and stun you out of the process of chastise , feels a bit harsh to be dumped into a stun half way across the open ground to the enemy and recive neither the toughness regen and to loose teh Cooldown.
Pretty much whomever is responsible for zealot needs to be set aside and forced to do these tasks/penances/gameplay with their bean counters up because this is much worse than the Sept beta.