Zealot Penance Exploit

Issue Description:

The preacher class is able to acquire the “Just A Flesh Wound” penance via a glitch, essentially bypassing the mission. The challenge can be done even if you fail the mission right at the very start. You do not need to complete it. I’ve seen both videos & threads concerning the exploit. Might wanna fix it early before an ultimate oversaturation of the challenge completion. Steam ID / Name not necessary, as this is available for everyone to reproduce.

I have not done it, thus I have no more details to provide, beyond the steps witnessed on how to reproduce it.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Play any mission on difficulty 4 & above as the Preacher Zealot class.

  2. Get shot at, or hit via melee, until you reach 10% HP, or less. Basically less than one bar total, as instructed by the penance.

  3. Retreat to a safe spot, and camp there (preferably the spawn, so that the enemy cannot get to you), until your play time in the match (briefing area included) reaches 8 minutes, 30 seconds TOTAL (set a timer).

  4. Rush the enemy, get yourself & the bots (or other players killed).

  5. If done right, and executed in under ten minutes as instructed by the penance, this should result in the mission failure, yet still granting you the penance reward.

Mission Name (If Applicable):


Approx. Time of Issue & Timezone:
[11/25/2022, 4:00 PM] [PST]

Reproduction Rate:
Constant (100%)


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My bad, submitted a ticket. Its just all over reddit atm though. I cant delete this or hide it.

Okay, Karen.

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