I was messing about with the builds like everyone else and couldn’t avoid noticing that the entire “right side” branch of the zealot felt… uninspired compared to the other two branches and even worse when compared to some of the other classes.
Specifically, it’s really clear when seeing the options to customize the combat ability itself for that branch.
While the other two branches have a reasonable amount of customization (2 choice at the least) the classic charge just have an uninspired “you can do it twice” which, as much as technically could be good, didn’t feel like “woah” as other customization option I can see even just for the Shroudfield for example. In fact, I wanted to go with the classic Zealot first, just for the sake of rushing towards the heretic like good old Saltz would like, but the other options felt so much more interesting that I couldn’t.
I mean, even another simple option that help reduce the cooldown to become a lethal zoomi boi would have helped.
I suppose that these talent will be retouched here and there in the near future so this is my plea to take another look at this part of the build tree.
Also, please some love for the veteran without keystones