Your local veteran with Turtolsky? More likely then you think

At least on bots, no idea what to do about it


It goes deeper. Roughly 1:00 mark 6? heavy sword is being used by Psyker.


(((they))) are hiding something from us (ąø‡ ā€¢Ģ€_ā€¢Ģ)ąø‡


The crafting news before the summer break did not only mention itemization.

We will also get some rebalancing with that patch.


Both the turtolski and maccabian are officerā€™s swords.


I hope we can get weapons unlocked between humans, as a lot of them have no business being separated, imo. Dueling Swords and Heavy Swords should certainly be available to both Veteran and Psyker. I do think Psyker should get Brautos and Combat Shotguns, though Bolters and Chainaxes might be a bit too heavy for their range and melee options. I think its more pipedreamy that Zealot gets anything worthwhile from new sharing. Ive seen it repeated that DS would be too op on the class, but Iā€™d much rather it eat a nerf and get more variety. Iā€™d love a recon lasgun on Zealot too with all the attack speed that can stack, but that also feels like it wonā€™t happen.

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honestly if Zealot got shovels I would be over the moon. they would put in so much work with the OG, seeing as it gets carried by push attacks for elite killing and wants for attack speed.

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Duuuuuude they already got priests in the trenches, would NOT be too much of a stretch to assume that a good chunk of those priests helped with the practical aspects of combat and not just spiritual. Any old Zealot can pick up a shovel and do work with it.

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thereā€™s also the absurd heresy of this image which I could only forgive if it was an easter egg to Zealot getting shovels later. sorry for the horrible quality I didnā€™t want to convert the image to something the forum would accept so I just scanned it.


Right now the closest thing you can get is using Extended Weapon Customization to replace tactical axe parts with shovel parts. I shouldnā€™t have to say that thatā€™s rad.

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