De-Silo Generic Class Locked Weapons

40K has a broad arsenel of wepons. But for reasons that initially made sense, given the more limited class system the game was launcched with, a number of ‘generic’ weapons were locked to specific classes. I propose this be ended given the new trees. There are only a handful of “specialist” weapons that should be class locked given the nature and reality of 40k and its lore. I will list both sets below.

Maccabian Duelling Swords - not sure - presumeably used by the Maccabian Janisaries but my initial assumption was Mordian Iron Guard. | Currently locked on Psyker | Thematically viable for Vet Leaders and Zealot DCA.

Turtolski Heaavy Swords - Literally made for Vostroyan infantry regiments. | Currently locked on Zealot | thematically viable for all humans.

Flamer - Literally used by the guard to such an extend that we actively kill Scab Flamers every single game. | Currently locked on Zealot | Thematically viable for Vet. Psyker has purgatus staff.

Accatran Lasgun - I think this should have been vet locked as a specialist tool like the Lucius. But too late now. Leave it alone or give it to Zealot, no strong view.

Melta - we know this is planned. Would be fine for Vet and Zealot. Psyker has void strike and magic.

Specialist Weapons:

There’ll likely be more of these as time goes on. But for now:

2 handed specialty weapons: Eviscerator, Thunder Hammer, Indignatus Crusher, etc.

Veteran: Expensive munitorum weapons like power swords, power fists (please!) and plasma guns. Maybe grenade launchers and hotshot volleyguns one day, etc.

Psyker: staffs and force swords.

These weapons are more than distinct enough without worrying about making mundane, relatively common, and generic weapons locked to classes. Opening a few of these up would create very fun new opportunities for players at almost no extra labor cost.


In addition to this, it would also be useful if (unless crafting is changed more) that curios and generic weapons can be used by other characters. If you find a chainsword on zealot you want on veteran… why not allow items to be transferred to other characters?


I wouldn’t mind sharing powersword with other classes, hell - even giving Zealot 2handed version of it, if FS just stopped nerfing PS with each patch :frowning:

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I know people say it is nerfed but its TTK against poxwalkers didnt actually move, you just have to aim for heads…which you already planned to do anyway. I dunno how it fairs against big targets though. I wouldn’t chose to use it over a chainsword unless its good at armor busting.

A 2h power sword for zealot yes, maybe storm shield and power sword. Maybe power blade (knife). But not 1 handed power sword or power saber. Those are for Big Vets Only.

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The power sword is literally the same for regular enemies. They buffed the HP of regular trash too much, while also nerfing slaughterer, so the one shots on gunhands and bruisers were gone. But we’re still in the range of 2 shotting them. What hurts is the low stagger power, which combines with that lower first target damage to make dealing with elites actually somewhat dangerous now.

Anyway I like power swords being a Veteran thing. What Zealot needs are power axes.


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