Write your funniest V2 moment

3 jockeys on hunger in the dark, running before animation is over, throwing themselves over the cliff.
I f… hate jockeys. It’s a team game, yet they can’t wait to ditch the team fast enough for those special red circles only to complain when they get knocked down alone a mile into the map, with no teammates in sight. The retardation of these people is beyond me. maybe a mandatory IQ test for new players should be implemented and be visible below the profile picture. Regardless I ran past them while they bitched and whined.

Oh also forget to mention, did you ever see bile troll walk in some funny pattern? its so hilarious

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Yeah they do some crazy stuff especially in tunnels / low ceiling areas!

Someone shoud record this and make gif… I saw guys in disco dancing like that hahahah, offcourse he scarred all girls in 10meter radius

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I’ve started recording all my games and I’ll be putting together a montage soon! I don’t think I got any of troll disco yet but it’s only a matter of time.


LoL look what I captured Y day

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There´s mine best moment in V2
https://youtu.be/O6XNaujw0CI (enjoy it)

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Probably just dumb stuff we say during matches. My friend always says or does something evil and gets instant karma’d by specials. Happens almost every match. :cat2:

Bardin getting downed, keeping in the downed animation but still moving around, sliding across the ground and biting people in the shins.


Fighting 22 Monks at the same time.

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Ok this is a long one.
I have yesterday done a run, none of us could tell if it was the best or the worst run we ever done, but it was the funniest.
Champion, Skrittergate.
A lot of chattering while we make our way to the gate, pretty fun.
After a bit of time walking through the snow, our Foot Knight ask our Dwarf “Any reason for this amazing aversion for picking up healing item”, with the obvious answer “I can’t heal myself”, followed by a “You could pick them up and give it to us”
The chat keep up in a weird way and everybody was confused by the end of this xD

Anyway, we’re moving on. We’re at the docks level, where our FK (him again) charge like a war leader into an ennemy. The foe fell in the water. The FK was stuck, just above the water, on a small iceberg, down there. This was truly hilarious xD (Less fun when he had to suicide with grim, but still).
Just after that, I have to afk for quite a time, and as I’m host, I wouldn’t leave to make them play again, so I just warn them and afk.
When I come back, I’m on white health but everything is fine, so it’s ok.
Another few meters, and IRL stuff strike me back (for the last time it’s ok). Couldn’t say I’m afk this time, so when I come back, they were trying to push me into the boss arena with a amazing “Elf we need your pointy ears and nasty comment right here !”
The Gatekeeper was made difficult by a freakin wallhack Blighstormer. Try to beat this boss with a giant tornado in the center and the bastard out of the arena xD We won anyway, but on white health.

Now comes a quite classic ending, we make our way to the gate, and leave to Raskniit, and proceed to kill him.
He actually bugged the sh* out. To be precise, we staggered him so much I think he went through the wall and fell into the void. So no teleporting animation, no bloody killing blow. He just vanished at 25% health and the doors opened. AND NO DICES !
We had an amazing survivor run, filled with nonsense, and all of this for NO DICE xD

This was truly an amazing run (Soldier chest tho, Ranald been gentle with me)

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Just got pushed a good 10 meters up into the air by a rattling gun at close range, somehow no fall damage so survived but was a funny moment

if you died it’s a l2p issue :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

One time, we were fighting a chaos spawn and we all got downed except for the dwarf. Then, the spawn grabbed the dwarf but started to glitch and would just keep moving him up and down in front of it. This went on for around 1 minute while we were waiting for the defeat screen and the pity exp. It looked like that chaos spawn was doing something very NSFW to Bardin…

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reading all the whiny “its too hard” … “gimme better loot” posts here

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I’ve seen this one a lot xD It seems the spawn AI is stuck in a loop between
-attacking someone down
-doing the grab throw
I think these two goes into equal propriety when the spawn was attacking a downed ally WITH the grab attack and this attack grabs the last hero alive x’D
But it’s hell fun, and it does some weird sound :´)

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U sarcastic? This topic is relief :slight_smile:

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A friend and I duo on Champion,skittergate. Sometimes some body spawns in ,Sees SG and instand lyrics leaves. (That was before bosses dropped dice)

So i and my friend shoot each other before everything health pick up and gorge it down,before the bots throw their tome away.

Manage a 2grim 3tome run anyway.

We Beat rasknit and Run towards the Lift.

My mate yolos and throws a 50%extended firebomb at my feat. The Moment the floor Starts break Ing.
The fire just floats in the air and I can See absolutly f… all

The next step i doo sends me dangling from the edge.
My mate gets into an hysterical laughter , still Holding w and Sohn finde Him sel next too me .

The bot sienna just freezed.

The huntsman kruber Tries too Revive us.

Stands on my Fingers as i trying too hold on , goes invis and does nothing.

We wiped then and there 100meters and a Lift Tour away from the exit

Now onto the 250,000$ Question!