There’s issues with tHP alla cross the board as far as I can tell. tHP on kill doesn’t trigger at all sometimes.
Who is making that argument? I can’t think anything but that it’s laughable when people rage on without testing and when knowingly opting in for playing a pre-release state. I’m not saying you have to be happy about the current state but you need to take it for what it is. This is not the current live game and basing a review on it is just ludicrous.
I don’t disqualify people’s opinions and I know a few of the reviews are well informed in the sense you point out, playing the beta(s) for a good amount of time.
There is, however, still a huge issue that seem to boil down to tunnel vision. If you don’t feel like giving it more time before release then don’t, but I feel like that’s not the case since the most vocal forum users are also very invested in the game (still tunnel vision).
True. We’ll see if it’ll end up in a good place or not. I think it might but I’m not passing judgement for quite some time yet.
I’m enjoying it at the moment but then again I’m strongly biased because I favour everything that is making core changes to the game (every once in a while).
I’m sorry to see this part but I hope you’ll revisit it once the WoM changes are actually going live.
They had like what, 3 weeks since the beta ended. How much did change since that beta and this current one? Basically everything we said after that, was ignored.
Just how much change do you expect in the coming week?
And, uh, don’t forget.
NOBODY said ANYTHING during the entire beta about THP. NOBODY.
Then it came up in the blog post a week ago, that people don’t like how easy is to generate it - even if only on certain classes and weapons tho.
Why did we have to have the THP changed too NOW???
They didn’t change the stagger mechanic. They might never change it.
I do however doubt that all of those negative reviews are from internal beta testers putting 50h into beta #14+ or w/e the patch was from roughly open beta2.
I’m pretty sure it’s a bug. tHP on stagger and cleave is bound to be affected by the other changes but tHP on kill is most definitely bugged/not triggered sometimes. (@fatshark)
Fatshark already had time. It was called “The Beta”. If they had actually listened to the concerns instead of just listening to the “yay sayers” going “this is fine” it would have been fixed already.
I’ve already given Fatshark close to those +100 hours in the beta. And yesterdays testing only confirmed what I dreaded. They will not get anymore time from me. It’s way past that.
Dude, if you say so. This is what you actually wrote, and what I responded to.
So yes, I totally missed that your point was something else.
Performance and bug-related things mostly. I don’t expect any larger gameplay changes until they run another balance beta.
@Silvah This is what I mean by “tunnel vision”. Every time I read something written about how huge of a disappointment the current pre-release is/beta was I see something along these lines.
Quote is taken out of context but I feel like it’s alright in this case because Palesz post is a good example. You’re talking about it as it’s unanimous, that it’s something the entire community wants and whoever doesn’t are just “yay sayers”. Of course you’re saying yes to something that you consider good. At the same time, of course you could have implemented stagger in a different way.
Maybe a vast majority of the entire community actually considered it an issue (I sure don’t know) and Fatshark decided to keep it anyway. If so, then sure. Maybe the majority of the community didn’t. If so, then sure. I don’t have access to Fatshark’s data but I did know that this was coming, because they decided to listen to the community and clarify what they wanted with the expansion (blogpost by bigras). If anything you should look at the current content in light of what their ambition was. If you still aren’t satisfied you can voice whatever issues you’re having but you can’t, in good conscience, talk about it as if they let down their entire community.
Since I wasn’t in the privileged discord group, I cannot comment what was said there. I only saw what was going on here, in the forum (I skipped reddit since it wasn’t an official channel for the beta). I think we can say that whoever took the time to post here, voiced concerns regarding what was given to test in the beta.
Additionally, even FS agreed that they did a major f*ck up in communication and they only clarified what they wanted from the beta AFTER it was done.
I only spoke regarding the forum population, and correct me if I’m wrong, that we feel like being ignored looking at the state of the new beta.
I’m reserving my judgment because I didn’t play enough. Past evening made me question my skill at game that is pretty frustrating. Legend feels as a hard difficulty now - and I have to try different talents and weapons to be certain about it.
I mean, people’s feelings put aside, FS decided to ignore the majority of the feedback from the previous betas, that much is evident.
More grind in weaves, no loot for cata, certain talents, it’s evident in all of those. Stagger went from a disaster in beta 1 to potentially workable. Stagger urgently needed more experimentation at the latter level but they were more interested in putting it into the game than trialing anything nuanced.
Well what can i say… not much new stuff it is aready a very long thread.
The thing is you have to look with a microscope to see the difference between the last beta and the 2.0 patch. After weeks of non stop back and forth here on this forum there’s not much to show for it.
But that reminds me of something…
ahh yes there it is.
The people at Fat Shark have a vision what V2 should be. And they already made up there minds and work this game in that direction, not caring if the players like it.
I dont know how many here have read this post on reddit:
The classic Maps and weapon dlcs are to much of a risk for fat Shark. Just let that sink in for a moment.
Every € Fat Shark makes with winds of magic dlc is a nail in the coffin of the classic map and weapon dlcs of the past.
That’s maybe tinfoil territory, but i believe it.
If maps(MAPS!) the basic content of every game! Is to risky for v2, then v2 is set up to fail as a whole.
I am a grumpy old man. After all this, weeks of posts for nothing, i really am bitter and salty. And all i have to say is: let them fail.
Whatever you try to do here, you cannot deny that the beta feedback here in the forum was more negative than positive and almost all of it was ignored.
Since they knew this from V1, they still built V2 in a way, that this problem wasn’t solved. They didn’t create an engine where building maps is fast and less work than before and this is mind boggling…
Not only you need sustain more than ever because of how much easier you get hit, I really feel like they nerfed the wrong end of THP on Cleave. Instead of nerfing the base value you get from hitting a single enemy, why not nerf the max amount you can get from a single swing?
Also, I just realized that since you’d have to be a lot more self-sufficient than ever, picking Heal-share is kind of a non-option right now. I wish they’d give that talent at least 1 THP max on hit, or something.
Im don’t have a big knowledge about warhammer world, but I don’t understand why beastman are so hard to kill compared with skavens and caos warriors. Is this property specific of beastmen?