Why Ogryn's Power Maul is the best

I’ve been avoiding this weapon as its the newest and gimmick laden, press x and weapon goes brr and nothing survives… but I felt it was underwhelming compared to the Zealots Eviscerator or the special blades, even the sound it made didnt make the satifactory crunch and splatter I was soo attuned to…

Queue montage of Mouse1 click clicks…

Just look at that BACKHAND ! Its the back hand!! the haymaker !! the uppercut!! WHATEVER YOU CALL IT! the second hit! its so responsive and quick to almost break neck speeds (comparatively to puny 'umans) its like the ogryn had to visit a martial artist to learn that stroke he does a down swing into an upward hit with the hilt for comical results… its so much fun I don’t even need the special button just a block cancel to repeat it infinitely.

I would like to think not all ogryn weapons need to be slow/staggering we need some killing power a massive katana blade or razorwire ball n chain… a spine of a nurgle spawn… but overall responsive…

Look pals, we found ourselves philoso, philosop, philosher…talker here.

Ok but please use the power attack for its intended purpose, which is bonking armor and AOE stun.

Also, you can chain the heavies into the first two light swings in the combo. It should give you a 1>2>h3>1>2 type circuit. You can also chain the second heavy swing into three lights to get a diagonal light followed by over/under hand swings.

I feel like I have ogryns hands playing the ogryn nothing seems to react how I want it ( I had same issue with Kruber’s Halberd) and chain attacks dont work as expected… but I will try that thanks