Why no Saltzpyre bot? Discrimination?

That can’t be correct? Wasn’t Salty the one who captured Sienna and brought her to the Rieksland? He also hired Kruber to help him. Bardin and Kerillian showed up for their own reasons that aren’t well known. Was Salty really not a playable character in V1 at the start?

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Maybe it is. A friend told me this ages ago, after i asked him the same question in V1. I didn´t started it to release.

I actually keep trying to get sienna as a bot in my private matches and the game refuses to use her for some reason. It keeps choosing krueber, even though his overall hero power is lower then hers’s.

Yeah he did capture her and Kruber was his hired bodyguard

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Fatshark. Look at me Fatshark. I want to be able to select bots Fatshark.

Everyone else here clearly does as well, Fatshark. The people are speaking loud and clear. Don’t deny us, Fatshark.

Look at me Fatshark.

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