Why do we join existing games with missing ammo / half reloaded weeapons and without 100% health?

How do you determine my psyker has 50 HP left, 100 corruption and 1 bullet left in his revolver? It’s almost comical, especially if you spawn in a middle of heavy breathing elites :slight_smile:

If I join an existing game I never joined before I should have 100% HP, ammo and a reloaded gun. Its enough you often spawn in the middle of a bad situation thanks to how quickplay works.


My guess is that you’re inheriting whatever state the bot you’re replacing was in, ammo capacity and all. It IS pretty stupid.


That would be my suspicion also, just not sure why I should inherit all mistakes made by a player / bot before me.


I’d guess it’s to stop people alt+f4+rejoin-ing to replenish their ammo and health.


This would be true if they had no means to check, if this is the same player connecting back.


I understand the missing HP/corruption based on the bot you are replacing but entering an existing game with your magazine empty shouldn’t be a thing. It’s extreamly frustrating since most of the time you replace a bot that was in very crap position.

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Like they do when people alt+f4 to rez themselves or free themselves from specials?

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I tried to spell it out twice already, lets try it again. My issue is with being punished as a player who was NOT part of a mission before. You often get connected to an existing mission where you replace a bot or someone else who left. At very least you should start with a reloaded weapon.


I directly answered the questions you asked in both your thread title and at the start of your opening post.

I get that you’re mad about this, but if you don’t want an answer to a question, don’t ask the question.


As others have said, you inherited the bots stats.
The only solution is to not revive/rescue bots during game play, that way when people join they’ll arrive with full ammo/hp.

Sadly, most people aren’t wise to that and rescue bots, so you end up joining badly injured.

No, you answered the question you think I asked. As I already went over it 3 times, this wasn’t what I asked. Also, it is a rhetorical question. I just want this fixed.

kinda wish this didn’t happen when joining a new game and not QP.
But there are so few players left so starting a new game either puts you in an existing game or you have to run the start with bots at least on auric

And I’m kinda sure when I QP yesterday I got in a NA server when I play from EU.
Some dude was screaming with an american accent thougt it was an Xbox player,
But when I check the profile it was a steam account and a dude from texas

Yeah, I’m not a fan of being pushed into existing games when I queue for a specific map in general. The most absurd situation so far has been joining THREE games in a row only to see the “you failed the Emperor” screen. I don’t start the game for the hub loading simulator.

Back on topic: nevermind the health / corruption. I can live with “attrition”. However “being put in a game with 1 bullet in a revolver in the middle of a bad situation” scenerio makes very little sense from the player experience.

You should maybe re-read those questions if you think you asked for something else.

Not sure if that’s the intent or not, but in practice you can alt+f4 and come back when you die and it revives you with full HP. An exploit that’s been reported dozens of times (multiple times by myself) and hasn’t been fixed in forever. There’s even mods that let you quickly disconnect and reconnect to abuse this. Very annoying to play with people who cheese the game out this way.

My point being is if that was truly their intention then they’re struggling a little in the logic and consistency departments there

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