Where my Emporer's Gifts?

hey.when i come to 30 level ,100+ missions on malice and higher difficulty as zealot, not once have i received an emperors gift (not even gray quality)!!!

Platform: Steam

Player ID: 76561198147009154

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I’ve gone days between earning gifts, which frankly feels terrible. While I know that gifts are usually junk, it’s still nice to have a chance at getting something decent.

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What stats are on your curios? Seeing other people report not getting Emp’s gifts with the +curio gift chance stat, possibly others bugged and affecting this too.

sad … not +curio gift chance

I’ve had exp and dockets on my curios before I started getting none.
So either one might be troublesome aswell.
Probably anything that messes with mission rewards.

I’ve had a slew of Emp’s gifts while running +ordo dockets on my curios, so don’t think that’s a problem stat.

Then exp and +% curio droprate might have something to do with it.
Because I never ran curio drop chance but exp.

ok i will try it